Perfect Metal Albums?

I find Cruelty and Dusk to be their best albums by far. I was hesitant to check them out but Thoth Amon told me "Dude just listen to them!" so I did. And the first time I listened to Dusk I was amazed. The guitar work, drums, melodies and whatnot were all pretty stunning. Vocals took me a few listens to let sink in but I now enjoy them very much as well. But whatever, fact is their earlier shit is great. And people who slam them are idiots.

Yes. Although my favourite CoF is Vempire. I really enjoy most CoF releases to be honest; I like the Extreme-Maiden on Helium vibe that they have.

Anyhoo, I have a few 10/10 choices, but not that they should be all that suprising to people here.

Carcass - Necroticism
Impaled - Mondo Medicale
Immortal - At The Heart of Winter
Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory
Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
Slough Feg - Down Among The Deadmen
Cathedral - Carnival Bizarre
Down - Nola
Sabbat - Dreamweaver
Pentagram - Relentless
Ruins of Beverast - Unlock the Shrine
Watain - Casus Luciferi
Nachtmystium - Instinct : Decay
These are some recent releases I've enjoyed every second of.
I have alot more "tolerance" for uber complex guitar solos than most people here, the man in my sig makes necrophagist's guitarist look like a scrub in terms of technical proficiency, and he's an awesome guitarist

edit: I suppose it's more of an acquired taste to be able to follow and enjoy music like necrophagist? :confused: their music is not accessible to the untrained ear

Excuse my ignorance, but who exactly is he?
Pig Destroyer- Prowler in the Yard
Kamelot- The Black Halo
Psyopus- Our Puzzling Encounters Considered
Children of Bodom- Follow the Reaper
Mayhem- De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Agalloch - The Mantle
Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element
Primordial - Spirit The Earth Aflame

These three are unparalleled.
What is it everyone sees in that Graveland album that makes it so good? I dled it a while ago and can't seem to get into it. I sent it to Thoth Amon and he liked it too. Wtf am I missing here?

It's the sort of album one either does or does not understand. With time and many, many listens its true genius is revealed. It utterly exemplifies the spirit of warfare and lost, ancient times. Read mornox's review on Metal-Archives, he describes it absolutely perfectly. As far as I'm concerned, there is no better black metal available.
that quote is nowhere near as bold as it seems, you probably couldn't even name 20 truly great death metal albums since 1999

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Greatness is a very vague description, so don't go around pretending like knowing what albums are "great" makes you a good metalhead. Besides, I remember you were an ignorant mainstream bitch yourself not too long ago, and you have no right to go around condescending everyone like some elitist fucktard.

As for me, a rough list:

Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
Death - The Sound of Perseverance
Blind Guardian - Imaginations From the Other Side
Symphony X - The Odyssey
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Opeth - Still Life
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Gorgoroth - Pentagram
Amon Amarth - With Oden on Our Side
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Greatness is a very vague description, so don't go around pretending like knowing what albums are "great" makes you a good metalhead. Besides, I remember you were an ignorant mainstream bitch yourself not too long ago, and you have no right to go around condescending everyone like some elitist fucktard.

whoa whoa whoa take it down a notch. You know I am nothing even remotely close to an elitist, but there just haven't been all that many truly "Great" death metal (IMO) albums in the last 6 or 7 years, that's all I was saying
It's the sort of album one either does or does not understand. With time and many, many listens its true genius is revealed. It utterly exemplifies the spirit of warfare and lost, ancient times. Read mornox's review on Metal-Archives, he describes it absolutely perfectly. As far as I'm concerned, there is no better black metal available.

Noted, and I will give it a few more spins, thanks.
do you actually want to add something of value for once or just spew random nonsense as usual?

I already did you dumbshit cuntrag. I've already thrown 3 arguments at you that you decided to ignore because you know you were fucking wrong, and don't know what you are talking about. Kiss my ass.

Btw, I find it hilarious that pretty much everyone else who mentioned something about Cradle of Filth was positive, unlike your poser ass who just slams bands, and entire genres of music without even listening to them.