Person on this forum most deservant of bannage

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Dark Bliss and Cadaver/Varathron
Hubster and Drudkh/whatever fits the mold at the moment

Note: These in particular aren't really annoying, just pretty obvious.
Yea, I'm surprised this hasn't come up earlier. Guilty as charged:) I'll lay off of it for a while.I'm not a very participating member anyway. I'm just enjoying reading what you guys post

Other obvious posting patterns: byrne and At the Gates(although I'm pretty sure I have outCadaverized him on this:lol: ), Cythraul and how everything is either fucking gay or fucking sucks to various degrees; Life Sucks and Mourning Beloveth; MasterOLightning and Xasthur/Leviathan Hmm, I thought I had more, but Dave's raging bodybuilding homoeroticism has already been exhaustingly documented.
Oh,and the most unifying characteristic of the majority of the prolific posters on this board– discussing the same bands/albums over and over and over and over again, because they know how great they are.:cool: (On this plane, yes,it's not very unlike Anus, actually, but obviously, almost devoid of condescending pseudo-intellectual bullshit, more light-hearted and fun)

Unknown is cool. I don't get what's so bad about him.
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