Cythraul and how everything is either fucking gay or fucking sucks to various degrees
wires and waves
faith no more
=>because their signatures are gay and irritating
Good times. I used to think that I hated him because I always got him confused with Cynical, but he's cool.
same goes for that guy with the "ack" sig.
I'd agree on Wires and Waves because everytime I read a comment, it's always a cunting post like "fuck this shit" "that band fucking sucks" or "stupid fucking shit band" and the like...![]()
im not sure ive ever seen wires and waves talk about metal
what is the issue with "signing" posts?
That's what we have sigs for.
so if I put the exact same thing in my sig, it would be ok?
It's also pointless because the point of signing something is to let people know who said it, but it's pretty obvious who says what here.