Personal questions thread.

I dunno haha. I very rarely saw this person, fortunately.


I swear, redhead broads are always the craziest. ANYONE help! I get so nervous when she starts talking to me and how we should get together :zombie:

Oh, SHE IS MY FRIEND'S EX WHO CHEATED ON HIM. This whole scenario is just weird.

What should I say to her?
It goes beyond that, you must understand. Yes, I find her ways repulsing. Hypothetically, what would you have said to that one chick mentioned in your post if you had to meet her and talk it out instead of sending an email?
I would imagine the same sort of thing. Although it would have been really weird in my scenario because this particular person was unable to talk.
That's the thing, I am too "nice" and shy when it comes to these things. I don't have the balls to tell her I don't like her because I will have to see her every day. Just imagine how awkward that would be...

*tries not to make eye contact*

*notices her looking*

*looks breifly*

*eyes connect and both quickly look away*

*act like I'm doing something else*

...You know what I mean?
Couldn't be worse than how you feel now. Maybe if she knows you aren't down, she'll turn it off and just be a friend.

You can't just hope she stops if she hasn't already.
Arg! As rotten as this sounds I try not to act interested when she talks :lol: She is under the impression we are friends and she wants more. Answer this and I will leave, what should I say when she asks "Do you want to hang out with me (alone) this weekend?".

By the way, I am not gay :lol:
Arg! As rotten as this sounds I try not to act interested when she talks :lol: She is under the impression we are friends and she wants more. Answer this and I will leave, what should I say when she asks "Do you want to hang out with me (alone) this weekend?".

By the way, I am not gay :lol:

Yeah, convince her to give you a blowjay by promising to go down on her. Then don't. Chicks hate that.
Arg! As rotten as this sounds I try not to act interested when she talks :lol: She is under the impression we are friends and she wants more. Answer this and I will leave, what should I say when she asks "Do you want to hang out with me (alone) this weekend?".

By the way, I am not gay :lol:
Someone else handle this one haha. All I can tell you is to do what feels right. If you tell her something someone else told you to say, it's going to sound scripted. Just think about why you're not attracted to her or interested in her and then tell her in the nicest way possible. If she's not bat shit crazy, she'll at least respect your honesty.
I used to work at a Ford dealership and the Used Car Sales Manager told me once that his motto in life is "Deny till you die."

I never did figure out if he was serious or not.
What *** says and does is completely up to him. I'm not going to tell him what to say or what not to say.

As far as what I think? Here's your honesty. I hope you can handle it.

The way you have gone about expressing your interest in me is nothing less than creepy, ****. Never in my 24 years has anyone that just wanted to be my friend gone about doing so in such a way that you have. The constant messaging, over the top compliments, generally just 'weird' messages (a picture of your lips, or half your face?), the vague blogs you post which could really be about anyone but are obviously about me, admitting I am your obsession, and telling me you have dreams about me, that sort of stuff. Also, I know you've talked to other people about me and tried to get other people to introduce you to me. That stuff is creepy, ****, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. It all culminated with you playing with my hair and rubbing my back Monday night. That seriously freaked me out BIG TIME. You don't do that with someone you just want as a friend.

It's SO hard to gauge your true intentions by the way you express yourself. Especially when you post the letter that **** wrote to you on your blogs so you can get sympathy from your friends while at the same time, making them hate me and **** having ever even met us. But I guess it doesn't really matter, because I don't want people that would judge me like that without having ever even talked to me anywhere near my life or the lives of my friends. I'm not in high school anymore. I think it's in VERY poor taste that you would post that letter the way you did. It's going to cause nothing but drama for me, and you know it.

I just find it VERY hard to believe you when you tell me that all you want is friendship. In lieu of sounding too harsh here, ****.. I have a lot of friends as it is right now, and not even enough time for them. I'm afraid that you and I just don't have anything in common. The age difference, the lifestyle difference, the distance difference, everything. The only thing that ties us together is your obsession with me. It's the same sort of obsession that a teenage boy has towards a supermodel, only you're acting upon it and trying to make something of it. It will NOT work ****, no matter how hard you try. So please stop.

I hope you understand.

Happy holidays,

before i read the rest i almost thought this was at lordofthesewers.
its really the best advice. if you're caught, you're caught. no use in admitting anything. make those fuckers work for it (whoever 'those fuckers' may be)!
Yeah, convince her to give you a blowjay by promising to go down on her. Then don't. Chicks hate that.

A bj wouldn't be that bad :lol: But... but... I mustn't

Someone else handle this one haha. All I can tell you is to do what feels right. If you tell her something someone else told you to say, it's going to sound scripted. Just think about why you're not attracted to her or interested in her and then tell her in the nicest way possible. If she's not bat shit crazy, she'll at least respect your honesty.

Ok, thanks. I still haven't gotten anywhere with this :lol:

oh, and make sure you totally deny it 100% to any and everyone that asks.

Sorry, but this was the perfect oppurtunity to ask.

On topic- George Bush Senior :erk:

How often do you think about the long-term future?