Personal questions thread.

What is the wierdest place you've ever done it?
In my sister's brand new apartment (at the time) on her couch while waiting for the cable guy to show up. It was slightly nerve-wracking but also totally awesome.

Have you ever cheated on your significant other?
Never, and never would.

No thanks!

What's the worst thing you've done at work that you know you shouldn't have?
Bah! Directed at Kevin

Probably the numerous times I've told my boss to go fuck himself. Oddly enough I still have a job. I guess I'm that good.

Why are drummers such tool?
I'm not too prissy to answer: I wipe up... doesn't everyone?

What is the band/game/TV-series/song you're most embarrassed about liking?
nope, everyone doesnt wipe standing, epic threads have resulted from the same question!

hmmm well i dont advertise to girls that i like star trek next generation a lot...? i dunno, im not too embarrassed about what i like.

where the hell did i post in this thread before? i couldnt find it.
probably nothing, i just think that people find it nerdy or something. like when its on and i have the remote and there's chicks there i dont bother to pause as i surf by kind of thing i guess?..its the only thing i could think of on short notice, leave me alone!@