Personality Test

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It's not that either. When I lived at home many years ago, meat was forced upon me...I had meat of all varieties, and I do prefer streak rare or medium-rare, so I appreciate the need to not over cook meat. Regardless though, I do not enjoy the taste.
On the subject of meat vs vegetarianism, alot of it is muddled and not understood well on both sides.

Evolutionarily speaking, we are designed to eat meat. If we werent, all our teeth would be molars for chewing vegetation. However, that being said, I dont know a single person who eats meat in the correct amount: as a small side portion to supplement a diet rich in vegetables and fruits and grains. Most people eat meat as the main part of each meal, and THAT is anti-evolutionary as well.

On the other side of the coin, most vegetarians I know dont eat a proper diet either. They eat lots of junk food, like chips and granola bars and crap, most of them dont even like vegetables that much. I do sympathize with vegetarians in the US, because of the horrors that occur with factory farming. It is truly alarming. However, its not enough to make me go vegetarian. When I am in a situation where I can control what food is purchased in my house (i still live with my folks), Ill just buy free range food, but I wont stop eating meat, I dont think its immoral.
I am definitly against animal abuse and I do think PETA and other groups need to continue what they do, though it is sad your average meat eater can't put themselves past the idea that many PETA supporters are vegetarians, to get to the real issue of animal rights.

As implied above we are very much animals and feel pain just the same ..which is not to say we shouldn't eat meat, but we should be respectful and ensure the animal a painless life and death.
PETA are insane. I hate them, they just want attention and dont' go about getting their goals in the right way. Then again I hate anyone who does anything for shock value (i.e. Judas69's avatars).

I think it's great when people have respect for the animal they're consuming, but so many don't, and dont' even care where it came from and who killed it and how it got onto their plate, that I can't condone meat eating, for the most part.
For starters, just the way you express yourself says a lot about the type of person you are. Deep down you're probably an unhappy person and like many unhappy people, you feel it your place to needlessly criticise others. Just yesterday you were attacking some poor guys grammar (something completely unrelated to the topic) because he didn't like the movie Titanic. You even bitched about the avatar I had yesterday because it was "amature" and used "cheezy photoshop effects", which it did but that's besides the point. :)

Anyway, clearly you want to start something here (seeing as the implication of the quote below is that you "hate" me because of my avatar) let's start something. :)

Susperia said:
Then again I hate anyone who does anything for shock value (i.e. Judas69's avatars).

First off, a boob is hardly all that shocking (at least not to myself) but it is quite sexy, and I am fond of sexy things :) And secondly, doesn't dying your hair pink OR posting a link to a photo of your bare foot (of which was all stiched up) as your signature, constitude "shock value" ..or some despirate plea for attention, that which you despise in others? You remind me of this one kid who had something growing on his foot in highschool, and would stop people in the hallway just so he could show them his green, scummy blood stained scab.

Art, your field of choice, in general is just as much about encouraging open-mindedness in the student as it is about artistic expression and developing your fine motor skills. Perhaps you're really not the "artist type" in the first place .. I mean, have you seen a fashion show where gorgious half-naked models weren't wearing huge things on their heads, and outragious outfits? No one goes to Art shows to look at boring, bland and stagnant work.

Perhaps the metal scene, and all the blood and gore associated, is not your style either? Alice Copper, KISS, Ozzy "with the eating of the bats" ..and a ton of other successful artists and entertainers, were all masters at the performance end of things (the make-up, the pyrotechnics etc.) .. just as much as they were about the music. Success in music is success in performance, and god forbid anyone in the band like the attention and the fame and actually do something "shocking" like smash a guitar around on stage, then pour lighter fluid on it and set it ablaze! By your logic you'd hate Hendrix no matter how good his music was because of something completely unrelated. This is that "feeling" not "thinking" aspect of your personality that is coming out right here, and was captured in the personality test you had disagreed with.

Anyway, to lead this response into the whole PETA / Animal Rights discussion, I think you are refering to those nude PETA ads that got so much attention a few years ago. The bottom line was (pardon the pun) they needed more exposure (pardon the pun). I'm sure you found them utterly offensive, right? ..because of course ..once again ..a nude body was shown. :erk:

The fact of the matter is, PETA needs to reach the people and the people need to listen. Right now, the pain and suffering of animals, sadly (let alone starving kids) is not enough in and of itself to move the people enough to make a change in society. Sometimes, you have to get graphic .. (ie, cancerous lung photos on the back of cigarette packs, starving naked africans on television and god forbid, a nude body..) why? Because it works. Provoke an emotional response in the public and you and your organization, your band ..anything you do, will get that much needed awareness you rely on.

PETA are insane. I hate them, they just want attention and dont' go about getting their goals in the right way

Perhaps you have a better method PETA missed?

All I have left to say is ..maybe you just need to get in touch with your feminine side (if you have one) :) .. and I still don't have any hard feels towards you (never did) .. I just hate being bitched at, no offense. I also hope this post doesn't offend you .. but if it did, the following photo won't help!


Birkenau said:
Is obnoxious a possible result?

Doing it now...

Edit: God I hate these yes/no questions, there needs to be some mid-ground, Yes and No are two extreme opposites on the answer spectrum.

Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
89 1 38 22

You are:

* very expressed introvert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* slightly expressed perceiving personality

Yes, when the options are just yes/no, the answers will end up a little skewd.

Results vary but I usually get something like ISTP.
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
Introverted 89
Intuitive 12
Feeling 12
Judging 1

You are:
very expressed introvert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
slightly expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed judging personality

It's true that I'm kinda introvert, ... But not all the time. It depends on the situation, and YES-NO options are never really good.
Just edited my long blurb there, I wanted to clear up all the grammar and spelling mistakes because I know Susperia can't stand them .. :dopey:

Heh, and yes .. I am a fan of the "Rump" and "Round" areas. :D
judas69 said:
For starters, just the way you express yourself says a lot about the type of person you are. Deep down you're probably an unhappy person and like many unhappy people, you feel it your place to needlessly criticise others. Just yesterday you were attacking some poor guys grammar (something completely unrelated to the topic) because he didn't like the movie Titanic. You even bitched about the avatar I had yesterday because it was "amature" and used "cheezy photoshop effects", which it did but that's besides the point. :)

Anyway, clearly you want to start something here (seeing as the implication of the quote below is that you "hate" me because of my avatar) let's start something. :)

First off, a boob is hardly all that shocking (at least not to myself) but it is quite sexy, and I am fond of sexy things :) And secondly, doesn't dying your hair pink OR posting a link to a photo of your bare foot (of which was all stiched up) as your signature, constitude "shock value" ..or some despirate plea for attention, that which you despise in others? You remind me of this one kid who had something growing on his foot in highschool, and would stop people in the hallway just so he could show them his green, scummy blood stained scab.

Art, your field of choice, in general is just as much about encouraging open-mindedness in the student as it is about artistic expression and developing your fine motor skills. Perhaps you're really not the "artist type" in the first place .. I mean, have you seen a fashion show where gorgious half-naked models weren't wearing huge things on their heads, and outragious outfits? No one goes to Art shows to look at boring, bland and stagnant work.

Perhaps the metal scene, and all the blood and gore associated, is not your style either? Alice Copper, KISS, Ozzy "with the eating of the bats" ..and a ton of other successful artists and entertainers, were all masters at the performance end of things (the make-up, the pyrotechnics etc.) .. just as much as they were about the music. Success in music is success in performance, and god forbid anyone in the band like the attention and the fame and actually do something "shocking" like smash a guitar around on stage, then pour lighter fluid on it and set it ablaze! By your logic you'd hate Hendrix no matter how good his music was because of something completely unrelated. This is that "feeling" not "thinking" aspect of your personality that is coming out right here, and was captured in the personality test you had disagreed with.

Anyway, to lead this response into the whole PETA / Animal Rights discussion, I think you are refering to those nude PETA ads that got so much attention a few years ago. The bottom line was (pardon the pun) they needed more exposure (pardon the pun). I'm sure you found them utterly offensive, right? ..because of course ..once again ..a nude body was shown. :erk:

The fact of the matter is, PETA needs to reach the people and the people need to listen. Right now, the pain and suffering of animals, sadly (let alone starving kids) is not enough in and of itself to move the people enough to make a change in society. Sometimes, you have to get graphic .. (ie, cancerous lung photos on the back of cigarette packs, starving naked africans on television and god forbid, a nude body..) why? Because it works. Provoke an emotional response in the public and you and your organization, your band ..anything you do, will get that much needed awareness you rely on.

Perhaps you have a better method PETA missed?

All I have left to say is ..maybe you just need to get in touch with your feminine side (if you have one) :) .. and I still don't have any hard feels towards you (never did) .. I just hate being bitched at, no offense. I also hope this post doesn't offend you .. but if it did, the following photo won't help!

Holy god, you know absolutely nothing about me, do you?? That picture you posted, it's one of the ads by PETA that I actually LIKE---though that picture has already been done before, in the 80's. Okay? Christ, you think I'm picking on you?? Let's evaluate our 'relationship', if you may, and let's do it in front of everyone, since you love that so much.

I PMed you and asked you nicely about your avatar, and you were nice back, when no one was paying attention, BUT, right after that, in front of people you started picking on me, and harrassing me for being a 'feminist', using the term in a derogatory manner. Then, you proceeded to call me ugly, unattractive, flat, unfeminine (several times in fact), unhappy, bitter, easily offended, the whole time calling me a femi-nazi. I think that would qualify to plenty as sexual harrassment, but I didn't complain to anyone, I've just been winking back and playfully teasing you too. However, if I tease you it's because I'm ugly and bitter, but if you tease me it's because you're virile and witty, right?

Fuck you, stop harassing me, you know nothing about me. The reason why I don't like PETA is because of the way the treat people who do eat meat, and do wear fur (both of which I don't do). They show no respect, attack them, throw blood on them, yell at them like white trash assholes. That's what I don't like Judas69. You're so quick to judge, and so easily assume things about people you don't know, and yet you call yourself open-minded?
People...Keep the personal arguments to yourselves. I'm not going to delete them because they have some points rooted in the threads discussion, but please do not continue them in the thread, otherwise I will delete everything, including these two.

Considering this is not the thread for this, I'll keep this short and to the point.

First things, I think, for my sake, and my longevity on the board, the best thing I can do is to put you on ignore ..especially after the very popular catch phrase "Sexual Harrassment" raises it's awful head. :err:

1. Correction: You first PM'd me about my signature ..not avatar.
2. I admit, I called you a Feminist multiple times, this is correct. But you are so, *shrug*.

Anyway I'll say this in conclusion, nothing of what you are implying is as it was, or at least as I saw it, all of the threads are there and any response I'd made was not meant to be anything more than a reaction to a little tention between two opinionated people.

Heck, I even read your Tarot cards ..and I don't do that for just any Feminist!

Now that some of the dust has settled, I would really like to take a second look at PETA quickly if I might, and perhaps get some of your opinions. I'll first admit to not know everything about the organizations past, but from what I do know, they are pretty unconventional, somewhat contriversial and to some, perhaps even radical. One might even say they have to be to have any chance of changing the status quo. At least that's what I'm saying in part.

The question I am asking here stems from what Susperia had implied namely, How far should PETA, an organization fronting a valid public and ethical concern, go?. At what point are they selling out one ethical concern for another, and is it somehow wrong to put a greater value of one over the other? All important questions I think.

Firstly, I will say any organized group will have members who fail to act in accordance with established rule. Do I think PETA members spit animal blood in the faces of meat eaters in protest? Perhaps. Do I think it was PETA who set up a group to go about spitting animal blood in the faces of meat eaters? Probably not. A calculated act like this would hurt more than help their image in the public eye, of which make up the meat-eating majority. So I think it is important we separate the radical members of this group who do not reflect PETA principles and intentions, from those who do. Subsequently, it is wrong then conclude PETA to be some evil organizatoin based on the actions of a few radical members, and for all we know, this may have been a response by those who seek to defame PETA, if it were infact true as Susperia claims.

I'm not sure if we could generalize this to a deficiancy in society or the human, but as I see it people are stubborn, extremely cynical and self-centered these days. That said, I ask again, how radical is too radical? Or from my perspective .. how radical isn't radical enough make a needed change in society?

The feminists were all riled up over the nudity, as well as some ads placed that apparently showed a women in a fur coat getting beaten or something. Surely that's harsh, but the reality of what occurs to these animals, is more so in my mind. I mean, just as it's a non-issue to compare nudity with violence, I believe it is just as much a non-issue to compare fictional violence (ie. on tv and in ads) with actual violence. Surely, and sadly, in the minds of the public majority, the fictional violence against humans (specifically women) is more appalling than that of the actual violence of something as insignificant as a small, helpless, unintelligent furry animal. Though cute and cuddly, they really have no rights I guess because they lack a voice, quite literally.

Your thoughts.
judas69 said:
Surely, and sadly, in the minds of the public majority, the fictional violence against humans (specifically women) is more appalling than that of the actual violence of something as insignificant as a small, helpless, unintelligent furry animal.

"Surely and sadly" violence against women isn't fictional Judas69. In fact it's quite real, please stop dumbing it down.

And I've followed PETA since I was 14 years old. I used to be a member, I used to like what they did. Then I saw things I didn't like (like attempting to burn down buildings, throwing fake blood on people, using ads to shock and scare people instead of enlighten, and, you'll like this, attacking models on runways for wearing fur lingerie.)

I understand you're just trying to strike up conversation, but please dont' make it seem like I have no idea of what I'm talking about.
Susperia said:
"Surely and sadly" violence against women isn't fictional Judas69. In fact it's quite real, please stop dumbing it down.

.....violence against women is not cool. We have a shelter here in Winnipeg called Osborne House. Filled with mothers and their small children who have no where else to go. Publicly funded. No government assistance whatsoever. And that place is packed. It's a sad reality when a man strikes a woman. And at the same time.....when a woman strikes a man. It works both ways.

But the option can always leave to cool down. You can always get help and counselling separately or together. Because usually, it's a joint effort if the environment is dysfunctional. But it should never get so bad that you have to strike anyone in anger. Is it the anger or the booze talking? Either way, hitting someone solves nothing.

Work out your problems. It may be that you have to separate or get some distance apart. But if there are kids involved, they don't need to see mommy and daddy having a row. Be adults and get help. Because there are a lot of resources available for these problems. And they cost you nothing except your willingness to change and seek help.
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