For starters, just the way you express yourself says a lot about the type of person you are. Deep down you're probably an unhappy person and like many unhappy people, you feel it your place to needlessly criticise others. Just yesterday you were attacking some poor guys grammar (something completely unrelated to the topic) because he didn't like the movie Titanic. You even bitched about the avatar I had yesterday because it was "amature" and used "cheezy photoshop effects", which it did but that's besides the point.
Anyway, clearly you want to start something here (seeing as the implication of the quote below is that you "hate" me because of my avatar) let's start something.
First off, a boob is hardly all that shocking (at least not to myself) but it is quite sexy, and I am fond of sexy things
And secondly, doesn't dying your hair pink OR posting a link to a photo of your bare foot (of which was all stiched up) as your signature, constitude "shock value" ..or some despirate plea for attention, that which you despise in others? You remind me of this one kid who had something growing on his foot in highschool, and would stop people in the hallway just so he could show them his green, scummy blood stained scab.
Art, your field of choice, in general is just as much about encouraging open-mindedness in the student as it is about artistic expression and developing your fine motor skills. Perhaps you're really not the "artist type" in the first place .. I mean, have you seen a fashion show where gorgious half-naked models
weren't wearing huge things on their heads, and outragious outfits? No one goes to Art shows to look at boring, bland and stagnant work.
Perhaps the metal scene, and all the blood and gore associated, is not your style either? Alice Copper, KISS, Ozzy "with the eating of the bats" ..and a ton of other successful artists and entertainers, were all masters at the performance end of things (the make-up, the pyrotechnics etc.) .. just as much as they were about the music. Success in music is success in performance, and god forbid anyone in the band like the attention and the fame and actually do something "shocking" like
smash a guitar around on stage, then pour lighter fluid on it and set it ablaze! By your logic you'd hate Hendrix no matter how good his music was because of something completely unrelated. This is that "feeling" not "thinking" aspect of your personality that is coming out right here, and was captured in the personality test you had disagreed with.
Anyway, to lead this response into the whole PETA / Animal Rights discussion, I think you are refering to those nude PETA ads that got so much attention a few years ago. The bottom line was (pardon the pun) they needed more exposure (pardon the pun). I'm sure you found them utterly offensive, right? ..because of course ..once again ..a nude body was shown.
The fact of the matter is, PETA needs to reach the people and the people need to listen. Right now, the pain and suffering of animals, sadly (let alone starving kids) is not enough in and of itself to move the people enough to make a change in society. Sometimes, you have to get graphic .. (ie, cancerous lung photos on the back of cigarette packs, starving naked africans on television and god forbid, a nude body..) why? Because it works. Provoke an emotional response in the public and you and your organization, your band ..anything you do, will get that much needed awareness you rely on.
Perhaps you have a better method PETA missed?
All I have left to say is ..maybe you just need to get in touch with your feminine side (if you have one)
.. and I still don't have any hard feels towards you (never did) .. I just hate being bitched at, no offense. I also hope this post doesn't offend you .. but if it did, the following photo won't help!