Personality Test

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You are:
slightly expressed extrovert
moderately expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed perceiving personality
Cythraul said:

Our rationality is the result of our biology though ..

And as far as Susperias apparent rant goes .. I was refering to the depiction of an attack in an ad against a woman as being fictional violence (because the woman was an actor) and comparing this to actual violence against a living breathing animal who feels pain. Surely women get beat, like boys and small pets .. you're purposely skewing my words here and trying to make it seems like I'm impervious to abuse, or somehow in support of females getting beaten.

Secondly, feminists who are for equal rights are cool with me to the point that males and females should be allowed to enjoy the same freedoms. However, those feminists who seek to change males like they are "broken", have problems with nature and personal issues of their own that only exadurate this issue. Feminism, as I see it, is an irrational emotional response by emotionally unbalanced people.

The last thing I will say (hopefully) on this is remember, feminists believe that they can change who males are through socialization; disregarding the underlying genetics. For example, they felt that raising a boy in a pink room with bunnies and barbies and talking about his feelings would make him more feminine. It didn't. He still grew to like G.I. Joe and building forts and playing with guns.

Feminism is more about males than it is about females, strangely enough ..and it is hindering male development.
Hahaha a pink room filled with bunnies and Barbies. Hee hee. I think it was worth taking you off ignore to read that.

Anyway I'm done with the whole trying to get you to understand thing.
i dont think anybody got the one I did
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
67 62 25 22
Oh my god... Right now I wish so badly we could not be so fucking politically correct and bring back the old "eye for an eye" way of dealing with shit like this.

I would love to see those workers skinned alive. That's one of the sickest things I've ever read... unfortunately i've read about similar things in the past. I'm seriously going to go cry now. I'm so, so tired of it, we'll never change.
I hate the emotional black mail those sort of sites employ though. However, it's quite sad they need to emotionally blackmail the ordinary person for them even to give a shit what happens to some racoons in china.
First of all it's not just raccoons - cats and dogs are there being stomped to death and skinned alive as well . I watched the video and it made me puke . The reason I posted that is so maybe people will open their eyes a little and see they're being lied to . Much of the fur being sold around the world is in fact cat , dog and raccoon hair being called something else so people will buy it . This has been going on for a long time - only NOW have cameras been able to get in there and see what's really going on . There was no "emotional blackmail" there , to my eyes . It's the truth - and the truth is fucked up sometimes . This isn't some new crusade I happen to be on today - I just happened upon this and thought I should share it . I know everyone has an opinion about this and here's mine : stop killing animals for your fucking coats .
I do agree with Final Product, sort of reluctantly, but either way it's an important cause and like I had mentioned in prior posts, sometimes it takes a radical approach to get a response from the public.
DeviousDVO said:
First of all it's not just raccoons - cats and dogs are there being stomped to death and skinned alive as well . I watched the video and it made me puke . The reason I posted that is so maybe people will open their eyes a little and see they're being lied to . Much of the fur being sold around the world is in fact cat , dog and raccoon hair being called something else so people will buy it . This has been going on for a long time - only NOW have cameras been able to get in there and see what's really going on . There was no "emotional blackmail" there , to my eyes . It's the truth - and the truth is fucked up sometimes . This isn't some new crusade I happen to be on today - I just happened upon this and thought I should share it . I know everyone has an opinion about this and here's mine : stop killing animals for your fucking coats .

Personally i'd rather it be from domesticated animals than foxes, or beavers, etc. Why is it worse since its from Dogs and Cats? They are domesticated animals unlike foxes who are wild. If anyhing, I think its more humane. The thought of a wild animal being caged and then butchered, is far worse to me than a domesticated animal being caged and butchered.

It is interesting the whole anti-fur movement is somewhat dead. I've noticed a number of rich European and Asian women wearing fur lately.

I dont know, it really just doesnt bother me too much. We kill and torture people every day; why should I cry over a bunch of animals?--(I am attempting to provoke conversation here, so please, I am not the antichrist, and I dont own any fur items).
judas69 said:
I do agree with Final Product, sort of reluctantly, but either way it's an important cause and like I had mentioned in prior posts, sometimes it takes a radical approach to get a response from the public.

I entirely agree with that. The shock factor is (sadly!) needed for average joe to even think about caring.

Judas69, despite prior comments to the contrary from folks, i enjoy your avatars. They depict the naked female form in a good way, far from being slutty and derogatory.
Final_Product said:
I totally agree, that was not my point. Please re-read my post.

Regardless, that IS emotional blackmail.

I guess you're right about that - the average person probably would never notice things like this unless they were shoved in their faces and they had no choice BUT to look . That's another reason I posted that . Most people are just so obsessed with their own little lives that they would never think to look into something like this - or wouldn't give a shit if they did . Ah , hell , maybe I'm just rambling :)
speed said:
Personally i'd rather it be from domesticated animals than foxes, or beavers, etc. Why is it worse since its from Dogs and Cats? They are domesticated animals unlike foxes who are wild. If anyhing, I think its more humane. The thought of a wild animal being caged and then butchered, is far worse to me than a domesticated animal being caged and butchered.

It is interesting the whole anti-fur movement is somewhat dead. I've noticed a number of rich European and Asian women wearing fur lately.

I dont know, it really just doesnt bother me too much. We kill and torture people every day; why should I cry over a bunch of animals?--(I am attempting to provoke conversation here, so please, I am not the antichrist, and I dont own any fur items).

I'm of the opinion that we all think too much of ourselves, and I see no reason (other than our obvious perch at the top of the foodchain) as to why we can kill indiscriminately.
Your type is ISTJ

Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging

Strength of the preferences %

89 12 50 56

You are:

* very expressed introvert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* moderately expressed judging personality
speed said:
I dont know, it really just doesnt bother me too much. We kill and torture people every day; why should I cry over a bunch of animals?--(I am attempting to provoke conversation here, so please, I am not the antichrist, and I dont own any fur items).

It bothers me because animals are basically helpless . People are not .
Final_Product said:
I'm of the opinion that we all think too much of ourselves, and I see no reason (other than our obvious perch at the top of the foodchain) as to why we can kill indiscriminately.

That's true; but, thats just the nature of humanity. Its the same in the GLobal Warming example and countless other things: we know we are fucking the earth up, or killing things for our own end, but we do it anyway; and we will keep on doing it until we can no longer.
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