Pet Peeves

When people don't understand that Tinnitus is a real thing. My Tinnitus is actually a real bitch. I can't sleep if I'm not really tired or without TV or the fan on. There are times I can't concentrate and focus on easy shit like reading, writing etc. It requires constant noise pollution (which is another problem) and it really fucks me up at times. It's something that makes you feel scrambled.

When I tell people about it they usually brush it off like I'm either crazy or stupid, it's frustrating.

I'm surprised at how many people have this same attitude about allergies/asthma. They're well known and documented ailments, yet when I go into a fit a sneezing, there's always some idiot who blurts out "Oh shit, are you sick bro? Don't sneeze on me, I don't want to catch a cold!". When I start choking and wheezing from an asthma attack there's always an fucking retard who chimes in and says "Dude, why are you out of breath? Maybe you need to get some exercise." Fucking A, that makes me mad.
Enough about me though, that must suck. Did prolonged exposure to loud noise cause your tinnitus?

I hate post-modernist understandings of nationhood because they invariably massively reduced the theoretical and moral obligation on the authorities to represent the interests of the poorer groups that already resident in a given country and also because it's basically a blue print for cultural annihilation.

Are you a nationalist?
I'm surprised at how many people have this same attitude about allergies/asthma. They're well known and documented ailments, yet when I go into a fit a sneezing, there's always some idiot who blurts out "Oh shit, are you sick bro? Don't sneeze on me, I don't want to catch a cold!". When I start choking and wheezing from an asthma attack there's always an fucking retard who chimes in and says "Dude, why are you out of breath? Maybe you need to get some exercise." Fucking A, that makes me mad.
Enough about me though, that must suck. Did prolonged exposure to loud noise cause your tinnitus?

Absolutely. Just being a dumb-ass kid really. I believe fire works/explosives when I was 10-14 started it. We literally used to stand 15 feet away from M 80's. Listening to music too loud/headphones and going to shows during my teen years with no protection did me in.
I don't believe in a supernatural or genetic uniqueness surround my or any other country that gives it a unique role in the world or a special destiny that must be achieved at all costs. On the other hand, I think that any good hard glance at the world shows you that identity, specifically national and religious aren't really declining in the way that it can feel when you live in a white area in Europe. There needs to be something more that what currently exists to secure the interests of those I would deem to be, effectively, my people, because our own collective memory, level of tolerance and cultural heritage lead up to us being weak in some ways, whilst apparently strong. It's been said that one of the reasons why the holocaust was able to take place is that many of the jews had effectively accepted their fate as punished ones, without a state, at the mercy of the nations.
And now they have embraced nationalism to its fullest extent. I'm not sure if I dislike nationalism or globalism more. I'm pretty sure borders aren't necessary for cultural preservation, though. Look at the various indigenous cultures that develop and exist within any large country.
I don't really understand what you mean by that. Globalization is basically interconnectedness that is caused by advances in technology and the lack of large scale state vs state wars / the absence of balance of power IR and the increasing importance of partnerships. The single dominant economic system can also be said to contribute to it. Nationalism = protectionism and the mythological premise for dictatorship and war.
Because I like to cook and it pisses me off when I try to be hospitable to a guest in my house by offering them a delicious stir-fry and they say "Ew, I don't like that. Can we just order a pizza?"

didn't realize you were refering to stuff being eaten in your own home
if they're eating at a public resturaunt, then you shoudn't give a rat's ass about their eating habbits

if you're cooking for people, you should avoid the whole situation by asking "what would you like me to cook??"
that way, when they refuse to eat it, you can be all like "i just cooked what you told me to"
There is a major difference between making people aware of their health issues due to obesity and body shaming someone because they're overweight and okay with showing it off.

The differences should be plainly obvious between cases where there are huge health issues vs. just someone who is bigger.

thank you

there is a huge difference between this

and this

the first link being girls that are actually healthier than the anorexically thin girls that some of you find sexy

and the second link is women who actually have a severe medical problem
- When people don't pick up their dog's shit
- When someone keeps changing the radio station for more than two minutes as if they're gonna find the perfect song
- When people switch the track half-way or 2/3 of the way through a song
- When people say "time is an illusion"
- When popular music critics bash prog rock for being "pretentious" simply because they are too shallow to take the time to understand it.
- When people (mostly girls) say "I listen to everything but country". That's how you know someone only listens to crap music.
- When religious/ spiritual people start talking about their stupid beleifs as if they're fact.
- When religious/ spiritual people refer vaguly to string theory to justify their belief in "energy".
- When you interview for a job and they are too much of pussies to call you and let you know that they hired someone else.