Pet Peeves

People who incessantly complain about minuscule happenings in their lives over social media.

Fucking hate this too. This is a main reason why I rarely go on Facebook anymore.

Another pet peeve about Facebook, when people use their status updates to passively notify people their pissed, angry, sad etc to get attention...Hook...Line...Sinker...

I get pissed off about:
When I'm trying to masturbate in the shower and my wife comes in the bathroom to shit.

Picky eaters. Adults are worse than children in this regard, I swear.

That first one if fucking hilarious dude lol

I totally agree with the picky eaters. Normally I dont care if people have certain things they dont eat, I mean fuck, Im vegan lol...But I do have a problem when they complain about how they cant eat this or that and as a result have not a lot of options, so they settle for something, and then complain about that their food is shit. I used to date a chick like this, and it drove me fucking nuts.

Hipsters. I feel like grabbing these people and shaking them while screaming "YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT!!" over and over until they start crying.

I totally agree. What really tabs my ass though is when you see these hipsters, or any other douchebag for that matter, with a really really hot chick. Pisses me right the fuck off.

Another pet peeve of mine, is disgustingly obese people. People so fucking fat they have to use a fucking motorized machine to cart their fat asses around wal-mart.
Going for the record of how many times you can cram "trans" into a post? You left out your extreme concern for trans fats and how everyone hates them. I wonder how it makes them feel.



Really I was only defending transgendered/transexuals, because there is a great amount of hate directed towards them still to this day.

I don't think it is wrong (infact I know it isn't) to say that transphobia is a thing in today's world.

The other 'trans' words I used were things I clearly find to be bullshit.
It's one thing to spread awareness of transphobia, and it's another to invent scenarios of it on a moral high horse. I guess the latter people are louder than the former, and so the former can't help but be associated with the latter when they speak.
Transgender is a very real and easily documented thing. Gender is largely a social construct and as such it is very understandable for someone to identify as something other than the 'gender norm' as people are all different and don't fit the way society says they neatly should.

Otherkin is bullshit because fuck that you're a human, not a wolf in a human's body.
I did some googling, and found this. Just like with homosexuality, who would make the choice to be hated by everyone?

There's a difference between physiological gender and gender identity. Many aspects of masculinity and femininity are cultural constructs, and many are innate. It's not as black-and-white as "masculinity is defined by brain characteristics," or "gender is whatever the hell you decide it is." If someone wants to be treated like a woman, what's wrong with treating them like one? Just because someone has a penis, that doesn't mean they don't have the right to change their bodies and live as a woman.

Human nature is like putty. Evidence:

The more intelligent the animal, the less instinct it has and the more acquired traits it has. As the most intelligent known animal on this planet, our nature can be pretty much whatever an authority figure wants it to be socialized as.
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Who are you to judge? Or, in reverse, fuck that you're a guy if you have a penis, and a girl if you have a vagina, not whatever you make up in your head.

I'm a human being - I'm going to judge. If they're fine with it and it makes them fell better, fine, but I won't grant it legitimacy.

Sorry, doesn't work that way. Gender =/= sex. Yes, biologically that is the case, but gender - as said - is a social construct with traits that are 'common' to 'members' of said gender. If a person born with a penis does not identify with masculine traits to the point that they do not feel comfortable identifying as a man under societies' definition of a man, and they identify themselves then as female or any other of the various possible gender identities that is who and what they are.
But good way to out yourself as transphobic, and quite possibly homophobic too.

Says the person who hates a much longer list of people than whatever you think I do. You may as well go join Westboro, inform them of what otherkin and transableds are, and I'm sure you will have no problem expanding them into new areas of hate. Probably can get senior associate pastor status out of it or something.
Here's a pet peeve. Cunty little white boys who haven't even left high school yet with their panties all in a bunch about #firstworldproblems.

You know what they call a disabled person in Africa? Mr StarvingToDeath. You know what they call a transgender person in Africa? No one cares, they are just trying to stay alive. Stop worrying about the extreme level of butthurt in the world and start thinking about real problems.

As far as this otherkin thing goes, it's really no different than the Native American relationship with their Spirit animal guides, or other ancient shamanistic beliefs and practices. It's just been morphed by modern fantasy and our suburban lifestyles. Go hate on some Native Americans while you're on a judgmental rampage. It'd be mighty white of you. I'm so sick of privilege running through all your posts.
Why not worry about all problems, regardless of how extreme people say they are?

TBH, worry is a relatively wasted emotion. Awareness, preferably combined with personal action are more important. You can't worry anything to a solution.

What do you call a transgendered person in Africa? Dead by a mob, more likely than anything.

Yeah, the mob trying to get the food and water.
TBH, worry is a relatively wasted emotion. Awareness, preferably combined with personal action are more important. You can't worry anything to a solution.

That's true. But I think that the concept of first world problems allows many people to suffer. Sure, they're not physically suffering, but some people are going through hell all the time, and because they have food and shelter, many people are denying them compassion.
I'm sorry that I think sometimes people do things just to get attention. I don't feel sorry for upset little teenagers who feel the need to adopt the idea that they have some fictional character in their head who is their true self...

or maybe I do, because I'd say that is pretty much a clear sign of needed some kind of help.

I do, however, feel bad for the hate and pain that transgendered people go through.