Pet Peeves

Hipsters. I live in an area densely populated by them and they are pissing me off to the point where they actually make me angry when I see them. And I'm not talking about your run-of-the-mill hipsterism like skinny jeans and flat caps, I'm talking about Johnny Dregbeard over here with his side-parted perm, wacky sunglasses, fluorescent 80's parachute tracksuit jacket, mustard undersized suit pants and boat shoes, or ironic 80's maths teacher, or Bad Nick Cave wannabe no. 98759765. I feel like grabbing these people and shaking them while screaming "YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT!!" over and over until they start crying.
People concerned with things like what other people wear and what music other people listen to. Sure, I don't always like what others like, but I'm glad they're enjoying something. Not everyone can enjoy the things I can, so I think it's good that there's other things for other people to enjoy. Just my two cents.

Fat people need something to inspire change. The obesity "epidemic" does not need justification under a variety of such PC campaigns like "no body shaming!"

No matter how OK you might be with your obesity, your organs and various body systems are not OK with it.

This. I think some people are just mad that there are less human rights issues to solve than there used to be, and so they pull new ones out of their asses. It really annoys me because you can tell that's what they're doing because of how narrow their gaze is. It's "don't say that's gay" and "don't say retard" and "don't call someone fat." It's never "don't make other people feel bad." They don't care about human rights. They learn about how awesome people like MLK and Rosa Parks are in school, and they think "I want other people to think I'm awesome. I'll have people think there's an issue and that I'm solving it!"

I think I'm pretty liberal, but those people get on my nerves.
I do have my fair share of issues with the social justice community, but they do have valid points in almost every case.

Transphobia is a very real thing still and very dangerous for that matter, ableism is a problem, body shaming is very real, slutshaming is very real problem, etc. but fuck anyone who defends transethnics, otherkin, fictives, transabled, etc.
I just don't like how they go about it. Rather than try to promote understanding and being nice to people, they just seem to want people to feel bad about themselves for not understanding minorities they probably never even heard of. People can spread awareness without calling people assholes for not knowing about stuff they'd never know about if no one told them about it.
This is a pet peeves thread, so everything should be taken with a grain of salt. I know how to be tolerant, why I should be tolerant, and I give everyone a fair shake. It doesn't mean that certain things people do don't get on my nerves. My wife, my kids, my close friends, they all do shit that irritates me, but I just accept it. Let's not start taking this thread so seriously FFS.
On the topic of appearances, I have an irrational hatred for those kinds of slightly-pudgy male transvestites that wear brightly-colored wigs, neon thick-rimmed glasses, tight-fitting women's shirts to emphasize their soft stomachs, etc. You know, the ones that despite all of that still have fairly masculine faces and try to sound effeminate but end up sounding like the Lumpy Space Princess and really just look more like attention whoring fucks than true transgendered individuals and think that yelling at their moms over cell phones to buy them cigarettes makes them better bitches and shit. Kind of the Boy George look but sans the black eyeliner and stuff. But the thing is that I've only run into a couple like that, but every time I see a picture of one I assume they're just like those individuals, because they're my only real life experience.
I do have my fair share of issues with the social justice community, but they do have valid points in almost every case.

Transphobia is a very real thing still and very dangerous for that matter, ableism is a problem, body shaming is very real, slutshaming is very real problem, etc. but fuck anyone who defends transethnics, otherkin, fictives, transabled, etc.

Your problem is what exactly?

Going for the record of how many times you can cram "trans" into a post? You left out your extreme concern for trans fats and how everyone hates them. I wonder how it makes them feel.


Girls who put this on their OKC profiles:
"(insert religion) but not too serious."

Girls who think prostitution should not be legalized because they are too fucking stupid to use logic.

Girls who fill out "The most private thing I'm willing to admit" section on OKC with, "Well if I said it then it wouldn't be private anymore now would it? hehe" THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF THE FUCKING SECTION, CAN YOU READ OR WHAT?! JESUS CHRIST.

Girls who claim to go out and drink a lot but don't approve of marijuana use.

I could honestly do this all day.

People with a mustache tattoo on their finger. Seriously, I don't get it.
Hipsters. I live in an area densely populated by them and they are pissing me off to the point where they actually make me angry when I see them. And I'm not talking about your run-of-the-mill hipsterism like skinny jeans and flat caps, I'm talking about Johnny Dregbeard over here with his side-parted perm, wacky sunglasses, fluorescent 80's parachute tracksuit jacket, mustard undersized suit pants and boat shoes, or ironic 80's maths teacher, or Bad Nick Cave wannabe no. 98759765. I feel like grabbing these people and shaking them while screaming "YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT!!" over and over until they start crying.

I don't mind girls who do this because most of the time they are pretty hot tbh. But ya, I hate those fucking homos that wear skin tight jeans that don't even reach their ankles, stupid sports hat with the flat bill, those shitty plastic wanabe Ray Bans, stupidly colorful tank tops, and boat shoes.

what in the fuck

Also, the lumberjack looking fuckheads.


And this guy:

Passive aggressive cunts also bother me.

Then I'll be aggressive. I don't think their appearance should be of any concern to you. Is it really that big of a deal that people do not look the way you want them to? There's far more to their lives than the opinion of one random dude on the street who they'll never speak to.

This is a pet peeves thread, so everything should be taken with a grain of salt. I know how to be tolerant, why I should be tolerant, and I give everyone a fair shake. It doesn't mean that certain things people do don't get on my nerves. My wife, my kids, my close friends, they all do shit that irritates me, but I just accept it. Let's not start taking this thread so seriously FFS.

Hmm. Good point. But I do think various things are so arbitrary that they might as well be forgotten about. There's styles of music and dress and tv shows and things I don't like, but unless someone throws them in my face and expects me to like them the same way and looks down on me for not doing that, I don't really care.

Girls who claim to go out and drink a lot but don't approve of marijuana use.

While the physiological damage is greater, I can see where they're coming from. A session of lots of alcohol fucks up the long-term memory, but frequent use of cannabis sativa fucks up short-term memory. And seeing as short-term memory is basically the base of all memory, I can see why many people avoid it. I haven't smoked any weed for about a week and a half, and my short-term memory has vastly improved.