I achieved my last course of philo of my LIFE! it was about Rousseau, Kant, Nozick, Hitler, Rawls etc
I know nothing about philosophy, but this post is great, I think I understand what you say and I completely agree on everything.I don't have to prove who I am, I just live. I've been called an idiot because I've never smoked pot before, but it's a personal choice, I don't care about what they say. Most of my friends are probably trying out Salvia Divinorum tonight and have asked me several times to try it out. I've always said no and that won't change. Some of my friends have smoked so much that all they can talked about is "conspiracy" and other stuff like that. One of my friends is now schizophrenic because she smoked too much weed, and I just find it pitiful. I'm not saying that she didn't have that "state of mind" before she started smoking and I'm not saying that the stuff should be completely off limits to EVERYONE (In fact, I don't even care if people want to smoke it or not, if it makes them happy) but what I'm saying is it changes people, and opinions change. To get back to where I was going. With the "conspiracy" thing, sometimes they think so much about it and how we're all sheep and we only follow our leaders to get killed by a war, they go crazy and think that there's no way of surviving, that there's not point in living.
If you think about it in a way, they IS no point in living, but if you think about it too much, you'll probably end up committing suicide and/or go crazy. I've surprised myself thinking about it and getting mad for no reason! In a sense, I said all of that to ask you one question. Is there a point in going to school, getting a low or high paying job, living an organized life and eventually dying, probably with kids and a husband/wife, while doing the exact same thing every day, with a few exceptions? It's been in my head and I'm not sure if it belongs here, as I'm really confused of the subject of philosophy.
[/long and disorganized rant]
I want to go in music as well. I know it's a common dream but somehow I just KNOW that I'm going to make it. This doesn't please my family though. They all want me to get a steady job/live a normal life so I will have a stable income and won't have money problems. I've always been in music and I know that I've only been playing for a year and five months, but I know that I've progressed faster than most and that my dedication is very present.
I remember when I was eight and I told my mom that I wanted to make music for a living. Ever since, I've been a burden to her about it.
┼Victim of the Night┼;7301234 said:I know nothing about philosophy, but this post is great, I think I understand what you say and I completely agree on everything.
I understand what you say about some certain substances... I did act like you, always have and always will, cuz there's nothing good coming from them, really... I do not say this only cuz I study them, but cuz I just saw people getting ruined due to that crap... that crap do changes the person, and it's proved that it can make people vulnerable towards illness, just like schizophrenia (the thing applies expecially to Cannabis sativa, indeed, and it can cause addiction and can make the person wanna try more stuff, I'm sorry but it's proved), it can make you not social and aggressive, less cheerful, get excessively moody... anyway I know that, if someone reads this my words, they'll be thinking "Oh no, someone shut that b*tch up, ffs!", but I couldn't care less, since I am not ashamed and I ain't afraid to state what I believe, and Nick, I'm sorry to know that your friend now got like that... and for what? See, a bit of "pleasure" to get a lot of "pain and disease"... the comparison is not worth, to me.
But like I always say, everyone must be free to do what they want, always.
┼Victim of the Night┼;7301234 said:And about life itself... you're right: considering that we all have to die at some point in time, actually there's no real purpose in life... ok, it depends on the concept one have of life though: if you're religious, then life "seems" to have a meaning and a purpose, like of a punishment God gave us cuz of that first sin that the first woman and the first man did commit, so we must go through the whole life not to live and enjoy it merely, but also to find a remedy to that big sin, suffering, acting good as much as we can, to "gain" a place near God... but if you're not religious, it all changes, seems as if it's all a bunch of grey days, running away slowly and fastly at the same time: I used to be very religious, when I was lil' I studied in a place where all I saw every day was nuns only, I thank 'em for the education they gave me and for the studies they allowed me to make, but I got fed up about religion and its meaning; at the moment, I don't know if I believe in God or not, sometimes I do, sometimes I do not, I also disagree on lots of the ideas and concepts that Church always claimed, so maybe I could be defined a heretic? I'm not but uhh, get the fire ready then, but I can't help... and I'm not a witch either, just in case you were wondering what else I could have been if not a heretic. *jokes*
Anyway, dunno, but gotta admit that life has no purpose to me too... no point in doing all the things we daily do, no point in spending time to "contruct" our life and ourselves, no point in being good just to be good and cuz "someone taught us so, don't ask why do that: act like that and end of", no point in doing only what the others want us to do 'cause we feel alone and want to be appreciated... we must understand what we do and use our own brain, to demonstrate who we are to ourselves previously... I believe one of the things that count more is a thought, hence to think, because it's an amazing form of freedom.
Then, what is also fundamental, to me, is the process of converting the thought in action.... that allows us to be coherent, and credible in the eyes of the others... and still, I dunno what the purposes in life could be, and like Mick said there can be all the purposes one wants... but maybe, the real purpose could previously be to go on, to demonstrate that we're not gonna give up, despite the bad times we'll have lived, 'cause if we try our best and don't surrender, there's not biggest victory than standing tall, proud of ourselves and of what we did and who we are, until the end of our days... yes, we'll die, but this doesn't mean we'll die at all though, we can be immortal somehow, through the memory that other people will have of us, through the thoughts that they'll keep of us... yes, the thought, it's our first and greatest freedom, the one that noone will ever steal us, in a society where most of time there's no freedom at all.
I don't have to prove who I am, I just live. I've been called an idiot because I've never smoked pot before, but it's a personal choice, I don't care about what they say. Most of my friends are probably trying out Salvia Divinorum tonight and have asked me several times to try it out. I've always said no and that won't change. Some of my friends have smoked so much that all they can talked about is "conspiracy" and other stuff like that. One of my friends is now schizophrenic because she smoked too much weed, and I just find it pitiful. I'm not saying that she didn't have that "state of mind" before she started smoking and I'm not saying that the stuff should be completely off limits to EVERYONE (In fact, I don't even care if people want to smoke it or not, if it makes them happy) but what I'm saying is it changes people, and opinions change. To get back to where I was going. With the "conspiracy" thing, sometimes they think so much about it and how we're all sheep and we only follow our leaders to get killed by a war, they go crazy and think that there's no way of surviving, that there's not point in living.
Sorry to be so blunt, but your friends are a bunch of retards. Don't blame weed on the stupid mental reactions of these fags.
Sorry to be so blunt, but your friends are a bunch of retards. Don't blame weed on the stupid mental reactions of these fags.
Although it seems harsh, I actually agree with this.
I achieved my last course of philo of my LIFE! it was about Rousseau, Kant, Nozick, Hitler, Rawls etc
I definitely understand your point of view; I found what you said helpful, however I am also "certain enough to be uncertain" as you put it. I don't really think that my way is the only way, but I do feel that it is the best way to rationalize my existence at this point. I should have said that violence can be useful. Like you said, people's lives can be saved and a better future can be assured through it. But whenever someone starts to act like a prick to me for no reason and call me names etc., I feel as if I would be brought to a lower level if I reacted aggressively. I do feel a slight sympathy for the morons I am forced to be around. I want to be a good example for them. My life has been rough and I have been mistreated, but I still want to help those who were not so nice to me. There are so many factors that could have shaped their personalities...
I think you are right when you said that they don't control all of their actions.
They most likely were not taught to.
LOL at the whole "fag" thing!!
I think it is so weird that someone can call something gay that obviously isn't.
Like we would be playing basket ball and a person would miss the shot and they would be like "that is so gay!".
What does a your shitty shot have to do with being a homosexual?
I think it has something to do with the word queer used in the context to explain something out of place. They could have associated the word queer with gay or something. Hell if I know.![]()
That experiment sounds embarrassing for a homophobe
Sometimes I wonder about some of the people around here...they play grabass and call each other fags
Studies have shown that so long as you're not smoking ≥ 5 joints per day, there are really no negative health effects.....which means you're essentially stoned all day every day.But she DID amplify her schizophrenia, in a way, by smoking 2-5 grams per day every day, and I don't think that you can deny it.
┼Victim of the Night┼;7301234 said:cuz there's nothing good coming from them, really... I do not say this only cuz I study them, but cuz I just saw people getting ruined due to that crap... that crap do changes the person, and it's proved that it can make people vulnerable towards illness, just like schizophrenia (the thing applies expecially to Cannabis sativa, indeed, and it can cause addiction and can make the person wanna try more stuff, I'm sorry but it's proved), it can make you not social and aggressive, less cheerful, get excessively moody... anyway I know that, if someone reads this my words, they'll be thinking "Oh no, someone shut that b*tch up, ffs!", but I couldn't care less, since I am not ashamed and I ain't afraid to state what I believe, and Nick, I'm sorry to know that your friend now got like that... and for what? See, a bit of "pleasure" to get a lot of "pain and disease"... the comparison is not worth, to me.
But like I always say, everyone must be free to do what they want, always.
And about life itself... you're right: considering that we all have to die at some point in time, actually there's no real purpose in life... ok, it depends on the concept one have of life though: if you're religious, then life "seems" to have a meaning and a purpose, like of a punishment God gave us cuz of that first sin that the first woman and the first man did commit, so we must go through the whole life not to live and enjoy it merely, but also to find a remedy to that big sin, suffering, acting good as much as we can, to "gain" a place near God... but if you're not religious, it all changes, seems as if it's all a bunch of grey days, running away slowly and fastly at the same time: I used to be very religious, when I was lil' I studied in a place where all I saw every day was nuns only, I thank 'em for the education they gave me and for the studies they allowed me to make, but I got fed up about religion and its meaning; at the moment, I don't know if I believe in God or not, sometimes I do, sometimes I do not, I also disagree on lots of the ideas and concepts that Church always claimed, so maybe I could be defined a heretic? I'm not but uhh, get the fire ready then, but I can't help... and I'm not a witch either, just in case you were wondering what else I could have been if not a heretic. *jokes*![]()
Sorry to be so blunt, but your friends are a bunch of retards. Don't blame weed on the stupid mental reactions of these fags.
I'm happy to see that both of you share my opinion on drugs and the ones who use them.. Or well, i guess i'm more extreme than you both, because i never hang around anyone who does drugs, and i would freeze out a friend if said friend started doing drugs.. I just cant take it! It makes me sick in so many ways, and i hate it so much.. It makes me sad when people stuff their body with chemicals that are lethal in high dosages(yes, alcohol is included, even though i drink myself) without any care for their own body. Why do they do it? Do they WANT to die? Why risk your life for something as trivial as an "experience"? I find it extremely egocentric tbh. Though i'm feeling that i'm gonna be labeled a hypocrite for that one, or something like that, i dont know.
But yes, people changing.. i hate that.. Atleast when its for no apparent reason, they have no real reason to change.. If its the cause of drugs, its such a huge letdown that i wont know what to do with myself, haha..
I think i would rather amputate my arms than try drugs.
Puns aren't funny.LOL did anyone else get that joke? Maybe it was just me....