honestly, I think it'd be ok if all the lethal drugs became legal now. I think we need people to overdose and die so we can reduce the population a bit and rid ourselves of somewhat weak and troublesome people.
there's nothing to understand. like you said, if you try too hard you'll just go crazy and end up killing yourself.Life.
My god, what a stupid idea.
I've purposely stayed out of this threa dbecause I would have made like 30 essay style psots by now but I have been lurking. This statement here made me have to jump from the shadows though...honestly, I think it'd be ok if all the lethal drugs became legal now. I think we need people to overdose and die so we can reduce the population a bit and rid ourselves of somewhat weak and troublesome people.
I've purposely stayed out of this threa dbecause I would have made like 30 essay style psots by now but I have been lurking. This statement here made me have to jump from the shadows though...
I agree that all drugs should be legalized in the USA/CANADA/EVERYWHERE. It would reduce the HUGE profits the "underworld" takes in from drugs smuggled into the country and also virtually eliminate a lot of crime related to those things. I mean, people do drugs anyways, they will find a way to get them. It's not like if you legalize heroin someone who's never tried it is gonna run out and do some just because he can. I just think it'd be appropriate to give people the freedom we hear so much about. If the government controlled drugs, they would make money that could be used for all kinds of things not to mention make the lives of the general public and the addicts much safer. Take a look at Britain, they got it right. Too bad America is full of extremist right-wing nutjobs and this will never happen, innocent kids will have to continue to get shot during battles of rival gangs over drugs.
Also, that is ignorantaddicts are people too (and not all addicts are pathetic burdens on society), they need help but until they want that help, give them the access to their drugs so they don't have to resort to desperate and dangerous shit. Fuck, provide them with the drugs even if it stops them from committing crimes to get money to pay for their habit. And, just to add, I would prefer it if no one did drugs, hard drugs that is.. I don't do drugs, and drugs can only hinder a person. But I'm not an asshole that can't understand why people do drugs and think just because I THINK they shouldn't do them then they shouldn't have the freedom to do it.
I totally agree with you here.
I've purposely stayed out of this threa dbecause I would have made like 30 essay style psots by now but I have been lurking. This statement here made me have to jump from the shadows though...
I agree that all drugs should be legalized in the USA/CANADA/EVERYWHERE. It would reduce the HUGE profits the "underworld" takes in from drugs smuggled into the country and also virtually eliminate a lot of crime related to those things. I mean, people do drugs anyways, they will find a way to get them. It's not like if you legalize heroin someone who's never tried it is gonna run out and do some just because he can. I just think it'd be appropriate to give people the freedom we hear so much about. If the government controlled drugs, they would make money that could be used for all kinds of things not to mention make the lives of the general public and the addicts much safer. Take a look at Britain, they got it right. Too bad America is full of extremist right-wing nutjobs and this will never happen, innocent kids will have to continue to get shot during battles of rival gangs over drugs.
Also, that is ignorantaddicts are people too (and not all addicts are pathetic burdens on society), they need help but until they want that help, give them the access to their drugs so they don't have to resort to desperate and dangerous shit. Fuck, provide them with the drugs even if it stops them from committing crimes to get money to pay for their habit. And, just to add, I would prefer it if no one did drugs, hard drugs that is.. I don't do drugs, and drugs can only hinder a person. But I'm not an asshole that can't understand why people do drugs and think just because I THINK they shouldn't do them then they shouldn't have the freedom to do it.
I knew as I was typing that statement, I would get a lot of shit from people, because whenever I say something to this extent, I always get big reactions.
But I see your point when you say that addicts are people too. However, speaking for the welfare of society as a whole, I don't think it would be such a tragedy if drug addicts overdosed, and as a result died.
It is through their own fault and their own choices. They have a chance to recover, but if they keep postponing their plans to rehabilitate, the overdose will happen sooner than later.
I know I come off as very inhumane when I say a thing such as that, but those are my personal views.
It's funny you say this because most homeless people are ex-military. I forget the numbers, but a LARGE percentage of homeless people are veterans who came back from war and were fucked over by the system and over the years just lost their minds from the things they experienced and drugs they resorted to make things easier for them. It's really ironic. It made me smile too.I even once told my friends that bums should be used as target practice for the military to hone their shooting skills; thus they can serve the country better.
(I know, I know, how dare I say something so extreme and have so little consideration for human life.) But I do not value life the way most people do. That is why I have such "extreme" ideas.
People are just not used to reading/hearing these views because most people adapt to society's teachings and usually can't think outside of that box, so to speak.
Not at all. I'm not interested in reactions such as that cuz I'm not particularly interested in psychology.Well, I hope it's not your intent to just say things to get the reaction, unless you're curious to learn how people think and react, but even then, saying things to get big reactions is pointless, because a smart person can anticipate what will be said by most. There's always someone who will be mortified by your statements, those who will be angered and lash out, those who will agree, etc. It's very predictable in most cases.
Yes, I realize they do have families. But think of this as a matter of politics, where you cannot see everything as personal. If that were the case, the world would be a mess right now. There would never be any wars to defend your country because generals and leaders would be scared about harming or impacting the families in the other country. While it may be sad that deaths happen and deeply effect the family members of the deceased, it is a fact of life and cannot always be prevented. I never said anything like "hey! lets go out and kill all the drugees cuz they're gonna die anyway!" What I said was more on the line of, "If they die due to drugs, it would not be a loss to our society, but rather a gain."Well, they have families, people who will be forever traumatized by their death. You must see that. Regardless of their mistakes, they should still be treated humanely, even if you think they have no one to blame but themselves. There is no black and white in life, and once you understand this then you will be able to make more logical statements (in general). Because when you deal in absolutes, you're always missing something, and then you can't form proper reason and express an opinion of the subject because you don't know the whole story.
Actually even on the tv they show lawyers and high class businessman doing hard drugs. But besides that, I am aware that all sorts of people do drugs. I know it's not only the "scum" or however you want to refer to stereo-typical junkie. No matter who the person is, if they are addicted, they are weak. But everyone has weak points, so I'm not criticizing them particularly, but I am criticizing the group as a whole. When someone is addicted, the drug tends to overtake their whole life. This is no way to live. Or rather, this a way to live to achieve a quicker death. So what's so wrong if I say I don't mind their death? And that their death can hold some benefits?Not every drug addict is that stereotype of 'scum of the earth' and is bound to O.D. A lot of people who have substance abuse problems live long and get sick in the end of their lives, it's a chance it's caused by drugs, but not always. It's the same as smokers, just because you assume they will all get cancer sooner or later and because they say they will quit but never do, they don't deserve to live? You know, Junkies are only one type of drug addict. You know that there are doctors, lawyers, politicians who do their jobs and shoot up heroin every night, or do lines of cocain, or abuse their prescription drugs. All shapes and sizes can be drug addicts, and not all of them are monsters. You watch too much tv and listen to the wrong kinds of media. Also, for the record, it's not always a person's fault why they become addicted to drugs.
Excuse me? When did I every say she should be killed? I just said when she does die, it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.According to you, someone who was prescribed medicine and inadvertently became dependent on it, they should be killed by overdose.
Of course there are other problems in society! But we're not talking about them now, are we? We're only concerned with those that are dependent on hard drugs.I mean, you think drug addicts are a burden to society and therefore should be killed, there are FAR worse problems than them who waste government resources. Half the population, maybe more, would be eradicated if their life depended on whether or not they were a burden on society in some shape or form.
I don't believe you actually think that is right. You're not a sociopath, I think you're either disconnected from things, and don't have enough life experience in the world and need an awakening or you're just saying this extreme rhetoric to get a rise out of people, and because you enjoy the feeling of having people perceive you this way. I think you feel having people see you as cold and heartless somehow makes them think you are stronger, and makes you feel more powerful (just going out on a tangent here, in my experience this is how the people I've known who said similar things you do were).
It was never done correctly. And I think it's too late to attempt it now.You're not thinking outside the box though, you are very much 'in the box'. I am used to hearing such things, your ideas aren't new or yours alone. They're very uneducated views, expressed mostly by the ignorant and some extremist conservatives (who, by the way, would lump you int he category of the trash that should be discarded form society because of your skin colour). Luckily for us you're not someone in a position of power (and we're not a few centuries back in time), however throughout history, people who thought the same as you enacted their ideals and it turned out horribly.
Actually.....yes. I think all drugs should be legal. If you're stupid enough to try, become addicted to, and overdose on heroin, you're doing everyone a favor and weeding yourself out of the gene pool.So let me get this straight. You want all drug addicts to die by their own hand
Yes....but I think drug use is a personal choice which is no business of the government. Same with prostitution. They're victimless crimes....and no, someone who OD's is not a victim.^Dont you do pot alot?![]()
Well....occasionally, but I'd rather see fewer arrests and a happier population, because it's going to happen regardless of the law.I agree, but prostitution isnt always victimless though