Photography and Art Topic!

The girl in the black cap with the dark hair needs to fix her firing posture. (this coming from the girl who tends to lean back when she shoots, and constantly has to be aware of this fact so she can...y'know, not do that. ;))
*squint* I'm not too good at IDing guns on sight, but the gun looks like it takes reasonably large bullets. Maybe it was too powerful for her? I've found that generally girls who don't usually shoot do better if you give them something small, like a .22 at first. Very little kick, if any. That's what my dad started me off on as far as handguns go, and I said "well, this is okay, but can I try something bigger?" :D
I don't remember what it was, but there was very little kick to it compared with almost all of the other guns we had, the only thing smaller we had there was a .22 Rifle, that shot like a BB gun. She shot it once and almost threw the gun to the ground. Her reaction was 5x worse than the kick of that gun. Even having never shot before, and expecting to be thrown back into the dust after shooting, I was still only slightly surprised. I'm telling you, she's only 'fun' with a certain group of people, otherwise, she's this girly girl who doesn't want to do anything "man-related". But! She tried, and I give her credit for all the flak I'm talking :)
I freaked out at a shotgun (a 12-guage, I believe) kick when I was younger. But then, I didn't have the stock correctly placed on my shoulder, either, so when it kicked, I got a lovely bruise. It took me awhile before I'd willingly handle a shotgun again. :lol:

I guess I'm not very girly. I like shooting with guns, and I used to hunt.

And to get back on topic, I also like to shoot things with my camera, but I'm not too good at it. I've just got a little point and shoot 35mm camera that I use. I do have a fancier 35mm camera, but even with the instruction manual, using it confuses me. I fail. :(
I guess technically not art, but Photography none the less, and it fills my "must shoot" weekend quota. :) - I went to see the Phoenix Coyotes (Hockey) play last night and came away with 90 some pictures from warm-ups. I think one of the guys was getting slightly annoyed with me for some reason as he was tossing pucks at the boards right where I was sitting. Tough! :lol:







(Crappy Composition, but there's nothing you can do in a situation like that)

The other 80 or so came out really awful. But that's life as a photographer :)
Last weekend, we went to Sedona to take some pictures as I mentioned, today I've actually gotten some of them up for viewing. I've decided I don't like the stock lens that came with the camera. (I like taking pictures :) )





Click for large.

Sometimes, we're so concerned with what's going to happen, we don't see what's happening around us. We're so transfixed on what we expect, that we often forget about other possibilities. Shed the blinders and be aware of what is going on around you.
You should check out my wife's page, - she's got some nature stuff, but her forte is 4x5 (large format, like Ansel Adams) art pics. Still life type stuff, but it's pretty avant garde. She occasionally does some gallery shows in Atlanta, maybe 2 per year. Anyone that might like to help redesign her site for barter....that would be welcome because we suck at web design! =)
So I finally got around to playing with my Nikon N80 that I got for my birthday a couple years ago. Once I figured out some of the settings, I was able to get a few pictures I was fairly pleased with.

Some of Aster and Jenny, before I figured out some of the settings:


And now...I FIGURE OUT ZOOM! YAY!!! First attempt was on an ornament, which turned out fairly well. The other two, on Jenny, could be more clear. Oh well.



And some outside, in the winter weather. The first three are our dogs, Thoth and Misty. They proved to be more photogenic than I expected. And getting Misty to hold still long enough took some bribing with a toy.

Thoth (the first one is my mom's fave):


And now some weather pics:


My Mom likes this one of the Magnolia:

I can't wait until we either get more snow (even though I hate it) so I can take more pictures (hopefully when it's sunny). I also can't wait for Spring. I'm going to take my N80 to Carbondale with me. Southern IL in the Spring is awesome. MUST PLAY WITH CAMERA MOAR.