

Nov 14, 2003
Bavaria, Germany
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Might sound a bit odd cause this isn't really part of the music. But as many consider the looks a big part of it I thought I could give it a try. Say, what do you guys think about piercings? You know, 2 months ago a friend of mine told me about his genital piercing and I couldn't get that thought out of my head anymore since then. So after some serious thinking and even more serious research I did my first one on Tuesday. As I was scared shitless to put a needle just near my little friend that one's only the sissy version. :yell: And that's also why I could do it myself. But now I'm thinking about getting more serious ones done by a pro. Does this make me a looney? Well, I suppose. Anyway, what do you guys think about it? Anyone of you pierced or tattooed?
I had my nipple pierced and left ear before......... several times in fact and got bored with it and pulled it out and it grew back up. The nipple is just fine but there are a couple of knots in the lobe were it was pierced.

I got a tattoo started by a friend of mine ages ago It was a real dodgy effort at a skull and cross bones done with a sewing needle and indian ink I only managed to get one bone done 'cause my arm swelled up and bled that much he couldn't carry on. I lost touch with him before it healed up and am stuck with one bone on my arm until I can afford a proffesional cover up. So as you can probably guess my advice on tattoos is always go to a pro Piercings as well I had my nose done at a local hair dressers who charged about 6 quid wen the piercing shops cost around 20 the only difference is a pro uses a sterile needle and the hairdresser used an ear piercing gun I decided after about six months when it showed no sign of healing (and actually seemed to be getting worse instead of better no matter how often I cleaned it)that the next time I would pay the extra
Thanks for that tale Metal Dog gave me quite the laugh :D anyways I have a Pentagram on top half of my right arm its just a little thing and I will be getting some kind of work done on it at some point to Jazz it up ...... as for peircings I will never get anything pierced no way thats not for me I Would Ink my whole body before I got that and there is No fucking way in hell I or anybodyelse would ever ever ever stick a fucking needle through my pecker NO WAY!
I have NONE!!!!!! Not even my ears. Don't want any!!!!

I have no tattoos either. Don't want any!
JonnyD said:
as for peircings I will never get anything pierced no way thats not for me I Would Ink my whole body before I got that and there is No fucking way in hell I or anybodyelse would ever ever ever stick a fucking needle through my pecker NO WAY!
ahahah I like the way you write it down.

Same for me btw ;)
for me,i'm with delize-nothin at all!not gonna let anyone near my body with needles n studs.although i guess i should.with image n all to think about.got a few friends who have loads of piercings,even one female friend who's had her most feminine parts done-she offered to show me but,being a gentleman,i declined.

sarge-if you feel like it,just do it!as long as the person who's doing it is a pro,then you should be ok.make it more enjoyable and try and find a lady professional to do it for you!

and you just KNOW hawk has a huge piece of metal on the end of his dong!
No piercings.
No tattoes.
No earrings.

Keep metal clean, just denim, leather, spikes ans chains. :lol:
I dont like how piercings look, except for earrings on women.

wouldn't get a tatoo, I have eczema so I wouldnt dream of it, but even if I didn't, I wouldnt do it either, I just have denim and spiked bracelets once in a while.
baldyboy said:
for me,i'm with delize-nothin at all!not gonna let anyone near my body with needles n studs.although i guess i should.with image n all to think about.

Hmmm....... in this day and age you probably make a bigger fashion statement with no piercings and tattoos than with them.

Bryant said:
baldyboy said:
for me,i'm with delize-nothin at all!not gonna let anyone near my body with needles n studs.although i guess i should.with image n all to think about.

Hmmm....... in this day and age you probably make a bigger fashion statement with no piercings and tattoos than with them.

actually,you've got a good point there bryant.

all i need to do is lose 30 pounds and go to a gym,and then i can give people that"my body is a temple"stuff too! :D