POLL: Who is going to MDF '08 + more options

Would you be willing to pay a little to stay at a suite for MDF '08?

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Pics are up on my Facebook but I'll syndicate them here:


Kinda wimpy look at our hotel, and Dan.


Outside Sonar, apparently during a non-busy part.


Me and Barrett (Sevared Rec.). FTMFW!!


The most brutal car...EVAR1!!!


Defeated Sanity!!




Anaal Nathrakh, ruling it.


AN again.


Easily the best part of MDF...triple lightning strike marshmallow deformity from Dan's Count Chocula. EPIC LULZ ENSUED.


W00t for candid pictures that become noticed when it's too late!


The hand of DESTINY...and everyone else.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this morning at the airport.
I went and sat down waiting for it the check in to open and I look over and at the bench next to me was Infected Malignity. It was pretty fucking cool. I talked to them a bit, but we could barely understand each other, but my point about their show being pretty much the greatest thing ever went across.
Awesome. I think they played the best show, with Defeated Sanity and Dying Fetus as a close second.

awesome dude

it was a good show, but there was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much grind. and alot of the grind wasnt the good kind
Yeah, but the silver lining is it gave us plenty of time to rest and get food. Frankly I don't think I could've physically taken standing and watching too many more bands.

I take it your flight went well. Sorry I was so lame in the middle of the night when you guys left...one can only do so much when having been headbanging all day.
lol I don't even remember them leaving. I hope your flight went well. It was a lot of fun hanging out.
wow, nearly every band you liked i hated.

here's an interesting mdf related story. i took a cab to the light rail station to try and get back to the airport. i found out that the train wouldnt get me there until later than i wanted. so i got back in the cab, and argued with the guy about the fare. so then we had to get gas. he runs in and pays the guy and fills up. then he realizes he locked his keys in the front. so we spent 10 minutes trying to unlock it. so we finally get it unlocked, i get to the airport, and he refuses to reduce the fare, yet again. total fucking bullshit. had we not been at the airport, which has lots of cops, i would have made a giant scene. i couldnt believe this guy.
I sensed no slam dancers during Defeated Sanity... and I have a sixth sense for these tings.
I enjoy the "Everyone hurt each other" pits for bands like that, Impaled and Dying Fetus.
Also, Infected malignity was fucking awesome.
Actually, faggots trying to fight the air because they're either too stupid to appreciate music beyond a shallow surface level or the band is just that awful that there's nothing else to do are called "retards." Should stick to metalcore shows...as should Infected Malignity, lol. Thankfully that was a minority of the crowd though, judging by how empty it was for bands like DS and the massive circle pits for bands like Ghoul.

Moshing kicks ass, and makes the concert as a whole more fun, so you should stfu tbqh imo.
At any rate, the festival was pretty sweet, even if it isn't really my kind of music. What's great about death metal is that it brings out the physical aspect of live music to its fullest. So much damn energy in the show, and in the crowd. The music brings a state of mind so different from regular, more melodic music, and I think it works best in a live setting.

I think I'd be willing to make it out to the next MDF. The atmosphere of the show was great, and the venue was pretty good too. It was nice to have a hotel room that was just 5 or 6 blocks away from the venue. And the company was top-notch as well. Glad to have met all you guys.
Moshing kicks ass, and makes the concert as a whole more fun, so you should stfu tbqh imo.

Pretty sure he was talking about slam dancing or whatever it's called that those faggot scene kids do in the pit at shows.

That said, I might be willing to go out there next year. Airfare is going to be fucking brutal though.
Infected Malignity were pretty generic slam yeah, but now they are actually fairly original for metalcore, and great live performers/nice guys to boot. And their live REVENGE TO CAPITALISM was insanely good.