POLL: Who is going to MDF '08 + more options

Would you be willing to pay a little to stay at a suite for MDF '08?

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Impaled would have been a lot better if the sound guys weren't so shit approximately half the time. Couldn't hear any guitars for a lot of the set. Seemed like they were doing well so I can't fault them totally.
Well, true, but this dude was really huge...ask Ryan/GR or anyone else. He was moshing during Impaled.

That guy kicked the shit out of me in the leg and it still hurts. I threw a couple of elbows into his stomach, but there was no way I could have fought him or cause any real damage. I wish we could have organized some sort of massive "kick his ass" thing. Everyone hated him, but it would have taken 3-4 people to take him down.
Well, being out of school, I have limited time to listen to CD's, because the majority of time I listen to music is walking to class and in class.
So far I've listened to...
Devourment 10/10... My favorite album I've bought in a VERY long time, maybe ever.
Wormed 9.9/10... Only because it can't be equal to Devourment

The Day Everything Became Nothing 8/10... Really good, but there's just
something missing that i haven't been able to put my finger on yet.

Despised Icon (CBYP) 7/10... Good stuff, but the primary vocals are a little strange.

Torsofuck 8.5/10... Brutal and heavy as fuck, but gets a tad repetitive. Get an extra .5 for the cover art.
I bought Invention: Destruction

Yes, the best intro was their show, which was fucking awesome. They were the first really good band to play. Their show was better than their album, which is really saying something.

As for all the other albums I bought... I will post my opinions on them as I get to them, I'm currently alternating between Devourment and Wormed when I listen to music, though... so it might be a while.