POLL: Who is going to MDF '08 + more options

Would you be willing to pay a little to stay at a suite for MDF '08?

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The money is for a good cause though. Honestly, if I had a few more hundred dollars to burn I'd go in a heartbeat. It's just a matter of either going to this fest or having enough money to eat, drink beer, and get around in Europe for all the time I'll be there.

Oohh, that burns. Calling me a faggot? Looks like I'm getting a taste of my own medicine. Try to make another gathering next time. I will definitely try to make it since I most likely won't be leaving this continent next year.
I'll miss you, faggot :(:p. Europe will be a blast though

Also, the car idea for storing bags is good. Plus all anyone really needs is an overnight bag
indeed. all that cash youre gonna give me for the room, is goin straight into shirts and cds hehe. i have a pretty sweet travel pack though, so i'll have plenty of room
Give him it at the hotel when we meet in the lobby. I assume we will all be giving each other our cell #'s before the show (couple days before or whenever we decide to).
Nope, the reservation has been made. The price depends on how many people show up. We figured out that 600 bucks for three nights = 60 bucks a person if 10 people go. Any more than that and it'll be less than 60!
its reserved, but not paid for yet. but i have enough cash to cover the cost. and i may very well ask that they charge my card now. but they want photo copies of the front and back of my card, which concerns me.

but yeah, cash at the hotel, since we dont know how many will show up

and i will pass out my cell number to the people who need it.