Popularity and the next album


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
Just a thought... by all means disagree with me

I've been noticing the rising popularity of Opeth since Blackwater Park was released, and especialy in recent months with Damnation being a big seller. Kerrang magazine listen them as 'Most Listened to Artist'. Thats gotta mean something, right? Not to mention appearing on MTV.
With Opeth having just released a DVD, they're sure to make even more fans now, people left-right and centre will have heard of them, and the once great ability to tell people about this great band will recede into everyone trying to tell you about them.
Truthfully, no band deserves this sudden rush of popularity more than Opeth. What I'm worried about is the next album. It seems unfortunate that due to their '5 minutes of fame' around the world, people are going to be very expectant for their new album... which will essentialy 'make-or-break' the band in the world market. It would be a great shame to see Opeth make it this far, and then suddenly release an album thats more 'metal' and have them loose the respect they've earned from their fans since BWP because the album 'wasnt what they were expecting'.
Well, I'm not actualy making a point at all... but I'm just trying to point out how stupid the average music buying public is... and how unfortunate fame can be.
But bring forth the new album, metal shall prevail!
Opeth does what they want, not what we expect. They dont care about beeing popular or making lots of money. They wont lose my respect no matter what they do. :)
All the next album will break is all of our expectations, like all the others :). Opeth will write a 'beautifully extreme bordering on black metal album' and wether the general public like it or not is just a byproduct to them.

I agree, in recent light they have seen alot more publicity, but who am I to criticize? I got into the band in the BWP era, so I'm not better than your average Deliverance newbie. I hope through this extra publicity they will be able to get good fans who feel for the music as much as the old fanbase did, and not just kiddies that wanna make a riot.

Whatever the case, Opeth will be Opeth, and there's nothing anyone can do to change it.
This is no bullshit. I hate the average music fan so much I won't even consider being their friend or taking them seriously if they listen to shit music. Its disgusting how blind people can be and easily manipulated. I'm sure Opeth will do what they do no matter what people want and maybe theyll even manage to bring the light into some peoples worlds.
DreamingofUr said:
This is no bullshit. I hate the average music fan so much I won't even consider being their friend or taking them seriously if they listen to shit music. Its disgusting how blind people can be and easily manipulated. I'm sure Opeth will do what they do no matter what people want and maybe theyll even manage to bring the light into some peoples worlds.
I think you should have some more respect to other people. I find it ridiculous that you can hate someone, only by looking at their musical taste. And musical taste is pure relative. Those people like that music, so let them like it, and don't judge them by it. Just listen to the music you like and be content with it :)
I don´t know about the rest of you, but to me Opeth is one of few bands who I absoultely trust to make incredible music regardless of what they say. Also if "fans" gonna leave Opeth ´cos they release something not-so-mainstream, then they don´t really deserve to listen to Opeth in the first place.
The plan with Damnation was not to get more popular. At least i doubt it was. As Peter said on the DVD, even if Damnation sells 2,000,000 they will still probably do something people won't expect. However, since they have told us what we might expect, i'm expecting it now :tickled:
Writing "good" music (regardless of style/genre) won't lose you any respect. It may cause less CD sales, and a decline in fans who are unwilling to accept change/progression, but it won't lose you respect. For example, when Captain Beefheart released Trout Mask Replica, there were a lot of old Beefheart fans who didn't like it, but it generally got excellent reviews, better than their previous album.
Pietjuh said:
I think you should have some more respect to other people. I find it ridiculous that you can hate someone, only by looking at their musical taste. And musical taste is pure relative. Those people like that music, so let them like it, and don't judge them by it. Just listen to the music you like and be content with it :)

Don't judge me as not standing correct with my right to choose why I will respect someone. If people can stomach dumbshit music and it irritates me to the point of sickness, I have no choice but to see that as an irrational attribute of their character. And who invented the notion that it is wrong to judge? You live a life that is your own and not that a collective and passing judgement and what might seem reasonable to your mind are small activities that show you are an individual. I mean its classic. Don't judge because its wrong. That is passing judgement in itself. I will say that I hate with reasons that I can go into detail with. Blind hate is worse then blind tolerance, IMO.
DreamingofUr said:
Don't judge me as not standing correct with my right to choose why I will respect someone. If people can stomach dumbshit music and it irritates me to the point of sickness, I have no choice but to see that as an irrational attribute of their character. And who invented the notion that it is wrong to judge? You live a life that is your own and not that a collective and passing judgement and what might seem reasonable to your mind are small activities that show you are an individual. I mean its classic. Don't judge because its wrong. That is passing judgement in itself. I will say that I hate with reasons that I can go into detail with. Blind hate is worse then blind tolerance, IMO.
You're just one of those gothic satanic faggots, so I have no respect for you or your opinion whatsoever. Go and dress in black, paint your face all white with face paint, put on your sword, sit in your home-made throne and listen to your repetitive, mindless, satanic music.

See, it's not so good to judge someone purely for their musical taste, is it?
plattopus said:
You're just one of those gothic satanic faggots, so I have no respect for you or your opinion whatsoever. Go and dress in black, paint your face all white with face paint, put on your sword, sit in your home-made throne and listen to your repetitive, mindless, satanic music.

See, it's not so good to judge someone purely for their musical taste, is it?

Coming from a fan of PT you are horribly mistaken and disappointing. I am against any and all images related to ones character. I'd spend my money on music and more music before ever buying even a tshirt of a band. Satanism is for complete idiots and I'm just sad you have to resort to name calling. Thats all it ever comes down to once you feel threatened and your views crushed. And its kinda hard to judge on my musical taste since I don't just listen to a handful of genres. All you know is I like Nile, Opeth and PT so far. All which are way above par in their genres. You prolly never even pay attention to PTs lyrics otherwise youd agree with me. Do us all a favor and remove the IA pic because you shame them with those totally lame and unthoughtout comments.
Moonlapse said:
All the next album will break is all of our expectations, like all the others :). Opeth will write a 'beautifully extreme bordering on black metal album' and wether the general public like it or not is just a byproduct to them.
If it will break all your expectations, and you expect this black metal album thingy, then I guess it wont be that ;)