Possibly the worst day of my life

OOh, Alien and City sound like a great idea right now *watches as speakers explode*

'Oh my fucking god' makes me happy...

Sad songs don't really perpetuate the emotions in me..they just give me something to relate to, and often, they help me sleep.

Btw, I've been playing Katatonia all day. 'Saw you Drown, In the White and 'Quiet World' are such great songs...especially the last two.
The next time I see Jonas, I'm giving him another hug, haha.

And Reuben, I'm going to buy that Anathema album today. I've heard great things about it.
Green Carnation sounds like a plan, too.
Loreena Mckennitt is helping, too....Fuck, I've been listening to her entire discography all morning.
Sad music magnifies and often complicates already sore emotions.
In my experience, this can be the case when a person gets stuck there, and it sounds like that's what happened to your sister. But, too, sometimes when you're sad, listening to something perky is just annoying. I like to start off where I am and follow music to where I want to be, gradually. If it's less of a stretch, it's easier to take it in steps.
Just don't be like my mother. You can't play anything remotely downbeat or even anything with operatically trained vocals, or she starts crying and cussing loudly at you for playing "funeral music". :p
Wouldn't happy music be a better choice? My sister went the sad music route after a few breakups and still listens to that emo crap. Never got out of her shitty sad music stage.

But did/does she ever listen to non-shitty happy music?

In my experience, this can be the case when a person gets stuck there, and it sounds like that's what happened to your sister. But, too, sometimes when you're sad, listening to something perky is just annoying. I like to start off where I am and follow music to where I want to be, gradually. If it's less of a stretch, it's easier to take it in steps.

I think things are going to be ok.
I talked to the girl, and I understand what happened. It was just a kiss, nothing else, and I am relieved. It's complicated, but I know this is the truth...at least I really hope. I don't think she'd ever hurt me like that.

I'm currently going to try to fix things with Justin. The trust is gone, but friendship still stands as an option.

This is such a fucking mess, but I feel so much better after talking to the other person involved...and I sensed nothing was being hidden from me.

I feel bad that so many people know about this, but I had to talk to people about it. If I was alone and unable to find so much support, I think the worst could have happened. I really do appreciate all of the kind words and hugs I have recieved. It means a lot to me..
I understand where you're coming from. You can live it out, and things will be better than they ever were before. You have nowhere to go but up!

And of course these two people have "semi-plausible" excuses for what they did. They don't deserve your friendship.
I'm not going to judge or formulate my opinion on the entire e-drama, but I know that being cheated on is about the worst feeling you can get in a relationship. Just don't fall into the trap of thinking it's because you've done something wrong or because you weren't good enough. It's because he's a sack of shit.

I can understand (not approve of, understand) kissing someone else. Kissing can be impulsive, it can be sudden and surprise you. It can be an outlet for other emotional needs that you may have. If you feel suitably guilty, a kiss can be talked about and dealt with. However, having sex with someone else is just inexcusable. You can no longer say that it "just happened" or that "it was all so sudden". Bullshit! Before you can have sex with someone, you need to go back to his/her place, get into bed together and take off your clothes. ALL THIS TIME you have the chance to think about it reasonably and back out. You have the chance to think, "what am I doing? Is this really worth it? Does the girl I'm with truly deserve that I do this?" - and all that time, you have the chance to say "no".

If you don't, it simply means you don't give a fuck.
I'm telling you Bacchante, if you want to hear music that SPEAKS TO YOUR SITUATION, get Planetary Confinement by Antimatter. Do you know who wrote most of Alternative 4 by Anathema? Duncan Patterson, who's the bassist/other acoustic guitarist in Antimatter now. If you want cheer-me-up music, you can listen to just about anything that has a fast tempo. But if you want to listen to music that speaks to you...Planetary Confinement.

"Am I the only one crushed by the weight of the world?"
Yeah, human beings are great at blaming themselves for shit that's not their fault.

Except those people I know with inferiority complexes.
Lesa, I'm so sorry. I'm in New York right now, but I'm going to call you as soon as I get home.

And you need to come visit me before you go back to school!

And definitely get Alternative 4, as well as Porcupine Tree - Stupid Dream.