Possibly the worst day of my life

metalskäter7;6406683 said:
of course, choosing the internet of all places, completely public to all view including the person responsible for all of this is certainly the best option for constructive achievement in this dilemma.

Naturally, if you were to find yourself having given birth to an animated cow fetus in your days, and forced to marry your mentally derranged girlfriend, you only have a few options, one of which is to fuck your neighbour from across the hall in your oddly arranged apartment block, the other is to fantasize about true love with a woman who lives in your radiator. Here, cheating, even while restricted in wedlock, is clearly the best option to maintain your own sense of sanity, which is pretty questionable if you even considered your own self-perceptions of your situation in the first place.
Honestly, I'm impressed.
I swear, this mess is material for some fucked up movie on the Lifetime* channel.

Btw, the girl he did this with was married to another best friend of mine...we were all great friends, and we were actually like a family. They had to just get sloshed and fuck everything up, which seems to be the trend.

This has been the week for things to fall apart. I know 3 other couples that have gone down the tubes, one on the same night as me. It's fucking insane

And Ryan, the girl you've described sounds like a glutton for punishment. Ditch that chick and keep your eyes peeled for someone with more sense of self worth. :(
You'll still be friends with the married guy friend right? It shouldn't have to go to shit over something you didn't do.
Fuck.... Cheating is the worst feeling in the world...
like worms inside that kill you slowly and will never let go...
in your sleep... in your mind and stomach every day....

Lesa, I am so sorry to hear this.. .
I really hate it when people go through this
feeling of being cheated, I think there is nothing worst than to lose trust
of the one you loved the most...
That's fucking horrible that he did it.

I really wish you all the best. Time does heal the pain, and I really do hope
that one day you'll meet someone that will show you that no everybody are cheaters and assholes.

If you need to talk to someone, Lesa, I am here for you.

Lesa-- I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know why people do the things they do, but I can tell you he did it because of him, not because of you. And your "best friend"? Well, she did it because of her, too. I'm thinking you perhaps should carefully consider the sort of people with which you're spending your time. Remember always that you're worth more than that. *e-hug*

I appreciate what you guys have said...thank you. I've been up for 48 hours, and I've been talking to everyone that's willing to hang out with me. It's really helped.

I still don't undertand what the two of them were thinking....nor do I understand what they thought they would get out of doing this. It has torn my whole group of friends into pieces.

The town I'm staying in is absolute poison. I can't wait to go back to Arcata and escape this mess...and....maybe have a brownie or two ;)

BTW, could a music doctor direct me to anything that is great for situations like this? I need something that will give me the chills, and I have enough monies to buy a CD or two.
I appreciate what you guys have said...thank you. I've been up for 48 hours, and I've been talking to everyone that's willing to hang out with me. It's really helped.

I still don't undertand what the two of them were thinking....nor do I understand what they thought they would get out of doing this. It has torn my whole group of friends into pieces.

The town I'm staying in is absolute poison. I can't wait to go back to Arcata and escape this mess...and....maybe have a brownie or two ;)

BTW, could a music doctor direct me to anything that is great for situations like this? I need something that will give me the chills, and I have enough monies to buy a CD or two.

ANTIMATTER - Planetary Confinement (this is the number one album for what you're going through)

Anathema - The Silent Enigma and Judgement albums

Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream

Green Carnation - the album Light of Day, Day of Darkness and the song My Dark Reflections of Life and Death

I have tons more if you need.
I know how you feel.

Just last week I found out my ex and another guy were fucking behind my back the whole time we were in a relationship. I found out because the other guy is mad at her because she won't date him, he's bitter so he told me over myspace in good detail.

Bad part is that I actually still like her(dont know why, i should hate her) and she's pissed at me for being pissed off and hurt at the whole thing. She was one of the few good friends I had, and now that seems to be down the shitter.

I've always kind of had trust issues, but now i'm thinking about forming a complete goddamned shell.

Life pretty much just sucks for me these days.
Yeah, Fragile Dreams is a great one as well as Empty.

"I remember a night from my past when I was stabbed in the back, and it's all comin' back...and I feel that pain agaaaaaaaiiinnn!"
I'm sorry to hear that Lesa. I really don't know what else to say I was never good at those "attempt to make someone feel better" speeches. However I do know what it feels like to trust someone for a really long time and then to lose everything in one single moment. Again I'm really sorry.
Devin Townsend - Ocean Machine

I'm not sure if the lyrics particularly fit, but that album is so great to listen to when I'm super bummed out.
Devin Townsend - Ocean Machine

I'm not sure if the lyrics particularly fit, but that album is so great to listen to when I'm super bummed out.

Yeah. There's something about the imagery and feeling evoked when I listen to this album; as though one's soaring across, err, oceans, in complete serenity (gay sounding, I know).

Strapping Young Lad - Alien

I was gonna say City, but this is a good choice nonetheless. Others I'd recommend:
-Devin Townsend's Terria.
-Some Solitude Aeternus.
-Any classic Pink Floyd.
-Vivaldi, Handel, Wagner and the like work for me.
-Vintage blues.

I'm sorry to hear that Lesa. I really don't know what else to say I was never good at those "attempt to make someone feel better" speeches. However I do know what it feels like to trust someone for a really long time and then to lose everything in one single moment. Again I'm really sorry.

Not seen you here in a while. :wave:
Wouldn't happy music be a better choice? My sister went the sad music route after a few breakups and still listens to that emo crap. Never got out of her shitty sad music stage.