Post a random fact about yourself

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@mags: yeah, kinda.... and good luck with gm!

@hilj: care to explain in italian? i'm curious.

fact: this morning my scooter died. hooray! it will be repaired tomorrow if things go according to plan, but still i'm skipping my workout on counts of being too afraid of going to the gym by car (about ten hours of traffic for a trip that would normally take ten minutes, no parking near the gym, no parking near home when i come back).
@hyena: frittelle fatte con uova, farina, zucchero e lievito, si lasciano cadere palline di questo impasto semiliquido in un pentolino di strutto caldo, quando sono dorate sono pronte :grin:

Fact: um is playing tricks with my posts :hypno:
-Lectures are over until april 11, I have tons of stuff to revise though :Smug:
-I still dont have a place for my working experience.. yayness
-I'll go out with friends tonight so what the Hell :grin:
@hilj: molto leggero :lol:

for the general interest, hiljainen was cooking stuff that would probably feed a platoon for fifteen days :lol:
@hyena: pffff, well, it's much lighter than, for example, melanzane alla parmigiana :p actually it's not very ..heavy?, even if the recipe makes you think of something that will just dance in your stomach for the next 10 bubus
anyway, that's the average lightness of everything i eat :hypno:
Hiljainen said:
@hyena: frittelle fatte con uova, farina, zucchero e lievito, si lasciano cadere palline di questo impasto semiliquido in un pentolino di strutto caldo, quando sono dorate sono pronte :grin:

fried fat with eggs, flour, sugar and lievito (wtf is that?)
Ehi Vito, ma che cazzo dice, eh ?! E poi c'era una vacca... Io non ho capito che dice questo ragazzo inglese... Non mi ricordo.
@taliesin: the che cazzo dici question goes for you, too. :p

@hilj: hehehe... i was joking, fueled by envy since i keep on avoiding anything that is not meat or vegetables (with the occasional small pasta dish) seeing how my weight goals are still far from being met...
Fact: I haven't posted here for a long time.
Fact: I must be blind, but just now I made a shocking observation; in the back of "The Gallery" is says denspring instead of Edenspring. And how many years have I had this album? (not mentioning it's my favorite one from DT). :| Also having a capital letter only in "Gallery" annoys me. I must have missed all the threads concerning this, too.. :p
Fact: I should get dressed and move the biggest shits away, some men are coming to check my apartment for the coming pipe work. Or I could just leave it all be and open the door naked. Or I could take a huge dump and not flush it. Decisions, decisions.
Fact: I've been drinking too much coffee lately. It causes me headaches if I stop, so I must keep drinking it :erk:
Fact: I should get back to my school work..

edit: Fact: UM is not allowing me to post into this thread... :(
Fact: On Wednesday I got a Christmas present.
Fact: On Saturday I'll get another one.
Fact: I want more old, cheesy, zombie films.
fact: tomorrow i have to wash my car, go to the gym, phone my parents, and i'd like to see a movie maybe. the rest is open to conjecture.
@stabbie: sorry. what happened? got into a major fight?

fact: i'm going to spend the night reading and drinking white wine. hooray for me. :)
Sounds more like a concert to me ;)

I'll spend the night drinking beer, watching a movie, drinking tea and playing some games. Woah.. the usual dosage. But tonight the Bu is strong with me so what the Hey
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