Post a random fact about yourself

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its now raining in cal. and im hoping it will never stop - there is actually a good amount of thunder and lightning and the rain is heavy :kickass:
I got it recently - I've only watched the main performance in Poland, it's very good. :grin: I'll probably watch the rest of it tonight, the thing with the string quartet is what I'm most looking forward to.
At least that TV studio works better for (new) Anathema since they're not so heavy. Or was it a regular gig? They do seem to have a pretty big following in Eastern Europe.
If that was directed at me - I have no idea, I've not seen A Vision of a Dying Embrace.

Fact: I've been completely thrown by Hyena's change of avatar. Dammit woman, have some consistency. :p
fact: yesterday i accidentally deleted my closest friend´s (i don´t have the best) guitar pro and text-files and etc. from his hard-drive, when i deleted a directory which was supposed to be dublicated. well, there went his composings and writings. luckily he wasn´t openly mad. :erk:
just got the letter from the school where I wanna study that they accept me as student!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah Im so happy this is the best news this year for me, oh yeah
Now I can stop working my boring fucking shitty job and get into something interesting
September please come fast...
I'll go to Paris to meet a good friend of mine on wednesday, I'll be back on tuesday, just in time to see DT in Hannover :grin:
Also, I think I did well enough in my exam, so where's the beer? :p
fact: Im just posting here to try to get UM out of my system for the day so I can concentrate on writing a final paper worth the whole grade of the semester which is due in 7 hours and I haven't started. the fun part: it's a seminar which means the rest of the class will read it and criticize it.
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