Post a random fact about yourself

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Obvious fact: I spend too much time on UM forums.
fact: hopes to catch up with lolli at provinssi. oh and DJ, does that mean I should hang around here a little longer? ;)
Noga said:
fact: i want to see pics of you and rusty!!!

is dave there too??
[Rusty] There are a few pics, but I look weird in most of them. Maybe I/we'll get around to uploading one or two later, I know I can't be arsed now though.

Dave isn't here now, he's coming here in July (I won't be HERE then, but I will see him at Tuska :p).

Fact: my legs are very very tired right now. [/Rusty]
idari said:
[Rusty] There are a few pics, but I look weird in most of them. Maybe I/we'll get around to uploading one or two later, I know I can't be arsed now though.

Dave isn't here now, he's coming here in July (I won't be HERE then, but I will see him at Tuska :p).

Fact: my legs are very very tired right now. [/Rusty]
[Santtu] :lol: @ your legs being tired..I wonder why :Saint:

Yes indeed, we took some pics today but it's me who looks like crap in them. I shall post some of them though..

fact: I just pushed Rusty into the sauna :lol: His reaction was "bloody hell" [/Santtu]
I hate when I'm in the backseat of a car and the people on the front roll down their hair gets messed up
@Santtu: i though he was Spike, cause (nowadays) usually when en english speaking person calls me, it's Spike. (Thanny'd only said "hi Ulla" when i though he was Spike)then, when he said "i'm not Spike" after me saying "hi Spike", Thanny sounded exactly like Manuel, cause they're both mexican and their voices are really similar.
that's why i though he was either Spike or Manny.

fact: my chin hurts.
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