Post a random fact about yourself

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That was exactly my plan for the weekend, but it was raining :(

I guess I'll postpone that.... and I should change the wheels on my skates :( But, we'll see about that..
Fact: I don't know if i should go work out tomorrow or not. I've been wanting to for a number of days now, but i didn't have the chance, and now i'm starting to get lazy and there's a million other things i should do...
fact: provided i can get ready for bed and fall asleep in the next 10 minutes, i might just be fit for the coming day. plans include: finally concluding something i've been dragging on at work, leaving the office early, having a real workout instead of the lousy affairs i've been forced to in the past four days (always getting to the gym too close to closing time etc). on thursday, i want to go to the movies and finally see tickets.
@larocque: you mentioned somewhere else that you haven't worked for years. how the bu do you support yourself?
fact: i didn't go to the movies because i had to work until 7.45 pm. FUCK. tomorrow i'm so getting a haircut (booked at 7 so i won't be going home early anyway).
Fact: I finally got my 'Character' booklet signed by all members of Dark Tranquillity tonight. I'm special... so WHO WANTS TO TOUCH ME??? :D
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