Post a random fact about yourself

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be careful with the haircut. i went for one last week, just wanted the ends cut off but the woman got excited with the scissors and before i knew it i found myself practically bald (exagerating)
Hitori said:
be careful with the haircut. i went for one last week, just wanted the ends cut off but the woman got excited with the scissors and before i knew it i found myself practically bald (exagerating)

Ouch, hate when that happens.. That's why the only one who took scissors and got near my hair in the last few years is my Mom :D
Don't know why they can't understand that if I say 2 cm, then I REALLY mean _2 cm_, not 20... ah, well..

Fact .: A good day, I got a postcard from Stockholm.. I'm soo happy :) :Spin:
fact: I'm disappointed now that i'm listening to the album version of Apulanta - Syöpä. It's so much better live, bah.

fact: I've seen Apulanta live 3 times so far this year. I'll probably see them like ten times this year.

fact: I might go to a rave party with my gay friends next week, woohoo!
Hitori said:
be careful with the haircut. i went for one last week, just wanted the ends cut off but the woman got excited with the scissors and before i knew it i found myself practically bald (exagerating)
That kept happening to me for a number of years in my adolescence. I kept telling the hairdresser that "i want it cut just a tiny bit, i want to grow it longer" and she kept cutting it a lot.
When i got fed up with that i changed hairdresser.
Now, whenever i need a haircut, i just make myself very clear about the desirable length by repeating harsh threats.
fact: osteophytes are out to get me, along with a deceived girlfriend, too much work, and a permanent feeling of looming degeneration. lucky me.
Fact: I went to a friend's place, had some vodka and a good cigarre, we then went to a pub to have some beers and shots. Im now considerably drunk but damn was that a nice night! :headbang:
Fact: Im inviting who ever wants to come, same story, starting with hyena. Anybody wants to come? :p

Oh and I went to the hairdresser today.. was about time. My hair seems to be a lot healthier now.. and the girl was goodlooking.. I'll be back soon :loco:
@taliesin: where am i invited exactly? give me some more coordinates and i'll let you know whether i'm coming. :)
I meant that we're certainly going to the same places sometime soon to drink and have fun :)
The exact location is Bremen, near Hamburg, Germany, a part of the town called "Das Viertel" where you find the best pubs :)

Last night it seemed to be a good plan to cheer you up... now, Im not sure anymore ;)
I've just found out that a guy I met on some other forum has actually been in my country last summer.. the world really is small ;)

Rings any bell, marduk1507? :p
Hey, you said youre gonna watch a movie or what!?

Wow, its really nice to see you here! How long have you been a member? Ive joined 2 days ago. This board is not so good as smn, but still ok, there are some bands I really like here (like Opeth, Orphaned Land, Katatonia or Bloodbath, etc.). You chose your user name wisely, hehe, its the only track from the new DT I really like!

What are you watching?
Hah, I actually wrote that before I posted my goodbye post on smn forum :)

I'm not really a veteran here, it's just 2 months since I joined.. I'm a newbie on smn forum though.. so, we're KINDA even :p

As for UM forums, I'm only posting on DT's forum.. I ADORE technical death metal, BUT DT are my 1st love, so..

Yeah, I read your opinions on all DT albums, so I know you're not too impressed with Character, but I, on the other hand, looooove it!

I was watching Amelie, but I fell asleep towards the end.. Don't think that the movie is bad, it's just my bio-rythm and spring :D
DragonLady1 said:
@TheNewBuild... I love that Amelie movie, its really a movie for dreamers, just could so feel with it :)

TOTALLY! I kinda hesitated a lot when someone would suggest "Let's watch Amelie", since I don't like French that much... but it sure is a great movie.
I think I'll watch it again, since (as I told) I haven't seen the end... :erk:
I wanna watch it in french again, got the dvd for very cheap last week and watched it with my mum, so we only could watch it in german but I'm sure its great in original language as well :)

fact: tired - happy - going to sleep :)
Oh... even if I hate French, I rather watch a film in its original language... It kinda looses sth when synchronized.

Good night to you, anyway ...

Fact: Didn't know who many nice ppl one can meet... I'm very happy such ppl still exist. *dreaming mode on*
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