Post a random fact about yourself

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King Chaos said:
ha. ok, sorry about that :oops:. I guess it was just the big hard-ass tat which threw me off a little :p

FACT: I shouldn't assume peoples gender based on the size of their tattoo ;)

Naaah, c'mon.. You couldnt've known THAT so, yeah... the size of the tattoo was somewhat reliable :p Hehehe...
really cool tattoo, i want one but not in such a visible place, im a wimp :p

and i thought you were a guy too :oops:
i don't know why i had that impression... i guess it's just most people in the forums are male, and those who aren't say so almost immediately...
This is not about 'myself' but I thought the forum members my find it of interest :-/

An acquaintance of mine meet this woman and as these things do happen they fell in love
and were married. She had 2 children from a previous relationship. As love is blind she asked him to adopt(become the *legal* guardian of the 2 kids along with her). He did this.
As we all know relationships do not always last forever. They were divorced and here is where the legal part comes in, he is now required by law to pay child support for the 2 children. It gets even better she is now back with the father (who gave his OK for the adoption) of the 2 children. I don't think it was planned to happen like this. It just did.
His lawyer is not having any luck getting him out of this obligation.

Its like Bobby Fuller sang ' I fought the law and the law won'.
La Rocque said:
This is not about 'myself' but I thought the forum members my find it of interest :-/

An acquaintance of mine meet this woman and as these things do happen they fell in love
and were married. She had 2 children from a previous relationship. As love is blind she asked him to adopt(become the *legal* guardian of the 2 kids along with her). He did this.
As we all know relationships do not always last forever. They were divorced and here is where the legal part comes in, he is now required by law to pay child support for the 2 children. It gets even better she is now back with the father (who gave his OK for the adoption) of the 2 children. I don't think it was planned to happen like this. It just did.
His lawyer is not having any luck getting him out of this obligation.

Its like Bobby Fuller sang ' I fought the law and the law won'.

now that is fucked! Poor guy.

Fact: Im recording. Nothing good though.
Hitori said:
really cool tattoo, i want one but not in such a visible place, im a wimp :p

and i thought you were a guy too :oops:
i don't know why i had that impression... i guess it's just most people in the forums are male, and those who aren't say so almost immediately...

Thank you, Hitori :)
Well, it's not SUCH a visible place.. I usually wear pants, so... It can be visible if I want that. I can, for instance, wear 3/4 long pants, the ones that go down to the calf, but don't cover the calf... well, you get my picture, I hope ;) But if one is more girlie (hint: skirts and reeeally short pants) than I am, then, yeah... It is pretty hard to disguise it, hehe :)

Well, yeah... I can understand that impression. Just like you said, most ppl on forums are male and I didn't in any way point out my gender ;)

That's one of the good sides of MY language.. verbs, adjectives (and many other grammatical catergories) are gender specified. Different verb form (verb suffix, to be precise) for male and female.. same goes for adjectives :D
TheFourthHorseman said:
I know what you're getting at, and this is mostly all semantics, but wouldn't you say that you'd appreciate them more as friends if they tried to look for the truth, instead of trusting your word over someone else's?
Hmm, it depends on the case. Most of the things that have happened to me have been quite obvious (like, the person who's said something about me or accused me of something has been generally known as a liar). Some of them haven't though, and my friends have believed the other person and been pissed at me. Then i've told them my version of the story and they've thought about it and come to the conclusion that i was telling the truth. And i have also had to convince a friend that what i said was true, after the lies of the other person had already caused pretty harmful consequenses.

fact: I made lasagne yesterday, and now i'm going to eat what's left of it.
fact: I like the curtains and bedcover that my bf and i bought yesterday.
fact: I miss Omppu :(
La Rocque said:
An acquaintance of mine meet this woman and as these things do happen they fell in love
and were married. She had 2 children from a previous relationship. As love is blind she asked him to adopt(become the *legal* guardian of the 2 kids along with her). He did this.
As we all know relationships do not always last forever. They were divorced and here is where the legal part comes in, he is now required by law to pay child support for the 2 children. It gets even better she is now back with the father (who gave his OK for the adoption) of the 2 children. I don't think it was planned to happen like this. It just did.
His lawyer is not having any luck getting him out of this obligation.

Its like Bobby Fuller sang ' I fought the law and the law won'.

PWNED ^__^
Fact: I get pissed off when people who are not my best friend or boyfriend touch my hair.
Fact2: I consider my hair part of my body and not a toy, goddamit. >(
yeah I hate it when people touch my hair, too, or actually, any part of me, unless we're close or I like the person in that way

fact: my cellphone fell into a pond full of ducks and I couldn't retrieve it :( I feel like an uncivilized peasant, lost all my numbers too
fact: ok ok scratch that, I dont let anyone touch me or my hair really. unless i want to have sex with that person. or unless it's a female and i feel like it's my obligation to let them touch me every now and then, so as to be girly and blend in. or maybe this means i secretly want to have sex with girls! but no. just, no touchy, period

fact2: i skipped class today and i made the computer's speakers work! good day.
Fact: Hitori just tried to fix her previous statement in this thread so that I wouldn't feel rejected, to no avail :p
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