Post a random fact about yourself

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MagSec4 said:
What has the world come to?..

Fact: In the store that I work part-time we sell sugar-free cookies

Heh, grand :)

But erm, prolly too much carbs in them (and yep, not enough fibres) so it wouldnt fit in the diet. But ah, if all goes well, it should be some ....undetermined time.....or something........... *sigh* We'll see :)
@Wazoo: Well, the cereal i eat is kinda dark with more fibres and low fat, so i'm sure with a little searching you can find something similar there. :)
I hope you get well soon, and you don't have to suffer.

Fact: i'm not willing to state any specific fact atm.
hm some people u wouldnt know, they once talked very bad about me and turned some friends who believed their lies away from me and I'm so afraid they can do it again, I dont understand, they dont even know me really, just saw me a few times and I cant understand why people are doing this really :( whatever, fact is that some people are just stupid....
been there... but at the end of the day, the person who did it to me ended up doing it to someone else and so on, and it was obvious who was the one with the problem
also, good friends come back at the end
DragonLady1 said:
hm some people u wouldnt know, they once talked very bad about me and turned some friends who believed their lies away from me and I'm so afraid they can do it again, I dont understand, they dont even know me really, just saw me a few times and I cant understand why people are doing this really :( whatever, fact is that some people are just stupid....
Hmm.. I'm sorry to hear that.
But hey, you said it. If they're the ones that are stupid people, then there's no reason to let their inconsiderate minds and actions make you feel bad, stupid or in any way inferior.

FACT: I have a hard time whenever I come back to the States, because my passport is starting to show 'suspicious' travel to and from Europe, the U.S., and Colombia :tickled:
I get interrogated and my luggage is thoroughly inspected and everything.
Magsec4 said:
It doesn't mean they're not sweet. They have non-sugar sweeteners. They're meant for people like Waz here. In fact, you probably wouldn't know the difference yourself if you tasted one.

But they are still not tr00.

Fact: I must go to my second lecture in microeconomics now.
DragonLady1 said:
hm some people u wouldnt know, they once talked very bad about me and turned some friends who believed their lies away from me and I'm so afraid they can do it again, I dont understand, they dont even know me really, just saw me a few times and I cant understand why people are doing this really :( whatever, fact is that some people are just stupid....

Sorry to hear that. :(
If any consolation, probably most people have experienced that kind of harmful gossipping and backstabbing without a reason or truth behind it. I think it's the matter of some kind of jealousness for people you are friends with and the others want to make you suffer and sadly it's almost everytime quite easy thing to do: talk shit behind one's back and make the people turn against you. But if they're very good friends, they should find the truth in the end and believe you instead of lies.
Yep, if they're real friends they believe you. People have proven their friendship to me by trusting my word against someone else's.

fact: I want to see Avella live again.
fact: i've got a 3cm wound in my foot, because my cat woke me up by attacking my feet as usual.
fact: I hate this apartment because there are no cats here :(
fact: I NEED CATS AROUND, i'm going insane without them.
idari said:
Yep, if they're real friends they believe you. People have proven their friendship to me by trusting my word against someone else's.
I know what you're getting at, and this is mostly all semantics, but wouldn't you say that you'd appreciate them more as friends if they tried to look for the truth, instead of trusting your word over someone else's?
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