Post a random fact about yourself

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@Taliesin: I don't know why, but i've heard lots of guys do it when they go to the army. Since they have very few nights out and they're far from home and perhaps girlfirendless, it's either that or they turn gay. Still it's no excuse, imo..
edit: or some are just stupid.
hyena said:
well, people do pay other people they do/do not know for sex, occasionally, and in various ways.

but with a pimp, you pay someone so that you can have sex with someone else. it's way more evolved and progressive. ;)

Siren said:
it's either that or they turn gay

:lol: those sex-crazed homosexual soldiers! i bet they're all jews.
My friend Pierre Antoine arrived today, we're about to finish the bottle of Odin Vodka he brought along. Oh yes, long live random drunkness :p
Fact: I'd like to be in a band.
Fact: I'd like to be the vocalist in said band.
Fact: I'd like to do both clean and death/black/screaming/whatevermythroatcanproduce vocals.
Fact: Excluding band members of DT, I've met 7 people from UM.
Fact2: I have all natural black hair, except a few natural blonde facial hair on my face.
Fact3: I finally got to meet the members of Dark Tranquillity after seeing them the 3rd time. Yes, I got my booklet signed by them too. :)
fact: i'm leaving in ten hours and i'm still not sleeping. will rest through the trip.
Fact1: Ive been running the SETI programm for several weeks now
Fact2: I was wondering if having your CPU work at 100% pretty much constantly decreased its life expectancy.. is anyone uber-geek enough to know?
Fact1: I want to see the movie Contact... seeing Taliesin talking about SETI made me eager to see the movie again
Fact2: I feel down... mucho down. That's about it.... numb
I love the smell when it just starts to rain...
I love to walk near the sea and listen to the waves and the seagulls...
I love to hold someone close that I like a lot...
I love to dream away while sitting in the sun at the water or in the mountains...

I'm in a romantic mood puh...
Fact: For me, this "fucked up signature" is nothing but a redirection to the german news site "".. does anyone else get weird redirections?
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