Post a random fact about yourself

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Fact: I have quite a bunch of white hairs on my head.
Fact: The previous fact obviously means that i'm wise. :cool:
Or very stressed :p
I just had an awesome game of CSS with my roomie and my friend from Liverpool, we had a great laugh :D
marduk1507 said:
Hey La Rocque, my brother sent me an sms from Ireland just to tell me to dnld that song. Is it really so good? Could you send it to me?
Can't say it does anything for me, but then I'm pretty biased.
"Go ahead envy me, I'm rap's MVP" is a pretty stupid thing to say. When you aren't, anyway.
So yeah, it sucks.
TheFourthHorseman said:
"Go ahead envy me, I'm rap's MVP" is a pretty stupid thing to say. When you aren't, anyway.
How YOU ended up being an expert in that matter is what I find most intriguing :p

NF: Melancholic.. weekend is near, although I dread those more and more.. oh well :erk:
At least friends will be in town and we'll go out so Im sure it'll be a nice weekend :)
But I just said that I'm not an expert in the matter, didn't I? Well, I said that I'm biased, but that's basically the same thing here.
If you mean how I know that 50 Cent isn't the MVP of rap, then that's because I didn't like that song 1/500th of the amount that I love Sage Francis' stuff.
@horseman: well, a similar one to you - the new SOAD, probably good, eh? Im quite a fan of them, hope its gonna be out soon. I want to buy original, these guys cant make bad music imo (or can they?).
marduk1507 said:
the new SOAD, probably good, eh? Im quite a fan of them, hope its gonna be out soon. I want to buy original, these guys cant make bad music imo (or can they?).

I had it like weeks before it was released :) Solid, good enough, NOTHING LIKE Toxicity, will surely draw some new fans, has a few "hit" songs, nothing revolutionary... blah-blah-blah... Nice package ;) Not the artwork, NO.... just package :) We fucking missed them :) Motherfuckers sold out - the show was annouced so late and just on the official site... we were too late.


//if this was DT or IF - that could be a real gun.
marduk1507 said:
@horseman: well, a similar one to you - the new SOAD, probably good, eh? Im quite a fan of them, hope its gonna be out soon. I want to buy original, these guys cant make bad music imo (or can they?).
It's a little...well maybe more than a little faster than Toxicity. I haven't heard Steal This Album. It's good that it's different, certainly...shows that they can change a little. I don't like it as much as Toxicity, because it's just not as solid. Some of the songs are recycled far too much...I mean there's no point in recycling verses and choruses a hundred times, it makes the song lose momentum.
Still, Soldier Side, B.Y.O.B, Radio/Video, (Cigaro), Question!, Sad Statue and Lost In Hollywood are songs that I'll be listening to more.
For some reason people on message boards have been going on about Violent Pornography, but to me it's one of those songs where they just repeat things too much.
It'll constantly be on my playlist for the next week for sure. SOAD albums aren't exactly "built to last", but at least I can still go back to them and like them. Downloaded the self-titled yesterday's much better than any of the others vocals- and guitar-wise. I do like their clean vocals though (except most of the time don't like the guitarist's voice).

@plintus: Great picture. :D
As per human nature, now that you told me not to click it I clicked it. It was amusing enough, I wasn't really in a hurry luckily and of course I could have just left it be. I can see why a non-Finn wouldn't like it.
Ouch... the same thing happened to me yesterday. I forgot I read KC's warning some time ago, so I clicked naively on her sig. Aaaargh... It just wouldn't stop :) And all those ää and öö... :D *traumatized*
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