Post a random fact about yourself

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Oh deary me, it took a fifteenth read of that post to make me realise that the "they" in the last sentence refers also to the hot semi-nude people, not just to me, Jack, King, and Ben. Gods, I'm slow today.
Fact: im getting really sick of not being able to fall asleep when i go to bed at 11, so i stay up until 2, finnaly fall asleep, but then sleep in till 1:30 in the afternoon
Fact: I think that OnyxDragon's new avatar/sig combo is much easier on the eye. ;) Also that avatar pic alone looks damn good.
Rusty said:
Fact: I think that OnyxDragon's new avatar/sig combo is much easier on the eye. ;) Also that avatar pic alone looks damn good.

that avatar there is a piece of newfoundland for you all :Spin:
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