Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Why are grown men on a metal forum watching Up? Fucking ridiculous.

Anyways, I watched Bedtime Stories cuz I thought Sandler and Brand together was worth watching... ultimately it was just meh.

7 - 10.
Why are grown men on a metal forum watching Up? Fucking ridiculous.

Anyways, I watched Bedtime Stories cuz I thought Sandler and Brand together was worth watching... ultimately it was just meh.

7 - 10.

Dude, Pixar movies have always been amazing in their ability to appeal equally to all ages, and from what I've heard Up is one of their best, so I definitely wanna see it!
I'm surprised to see so many decent ratings for the new Terminator
shame on you guise

Brazil 9/10
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Shockingly bad. The effects, the plot, the aliens. Wtf. Way to kill the franchise Speilberg.

Also, Quantum of Sausage;


Pretty dull, nothing really happens, mediocre attempt at a bond film, although I thought Casino Royale was an excellent return to form this was just shit.
Quantum of Solace was just meant to be a segway between Casino Royale and the next one in the series, wasn't even originally planned to be made/released. As a result it doesn't have a real plot. When you watch it with that in mind... pretty badass. You've gotta admit - one fucking hell of a way to kick off a movie! That car chase was awesome!

That said, I work at a movie theater and have (unfortunately) seen everything that's out right now.

Taking of Pelham 123 - 7/10, pretty good movie, if a bit cliché for Denzel Washington. Predictable as hell.
The Hangover - 8/10, fucking hilarious and excellently pulled off. Good writing all around, and a decently original plot.
Land of the Lost - 6/10, funny at times, but nothing special. Not Will Ferrel's best by any means.
Up - 7/10, visually amazing, a 'cute' movie, typical of Disney/Pixar.
Night at the Museum 2 - 5/10, kind of annoying tbh. Wasn't a fan of the original, though, and don't like most Ben Stiller movies.
Quantum of Solace was just meant to be a segway between Casino Royale and the next one in the series, wasn't even originally planned to be made/released. As a result it doesn't have a real plot. When you watch it with that in mind... pretty badass. You've gotta admit - one fucking hell of a way to kick off a movie! That car chase was awesome!

When I ended Quantum of Solace I felt like, ok now the real stuff can get started, and with what you explain allready back in my mind, I'm really looking forward for the next part that's coming out.
But "23" has gotta seriously be a great story and action packed! To make an impact on the big masses. I didn't feel that QoS was a disapointment, but many others I've heard complaining about it...
Terminator Salvation 7/10

Some annoying cliches but fun to watch, especially in movie theaters because of the special effects, action scenes etc. It probably won't be as enjoyable in DVD. Better than T3.

I thought quantum of solace was a pretty decent movie tbh. Not as good as casino royal of course which I consider one of the best action/adventure movies (and of course the best bond movie).
Religulous starring Bill Maher... 7/10. would be higher, but i just don't think it was as in-depth as it could/should have been.

Wanted starring Angelina Jolie... 8/10. mostly for the visuals and action scenes, and humor. Plot came from a comic book... so no point expecting too much depth or "believability" there.
Fast and furious 4, watched it cus someone gave it to me. 1/10 at a push. Utter shite, couldn't even get all the way through it.

Terminator: Salvation = 5/10

... one point for being a Terminator film (and better than the third), one point for pimping Alice In Chains, one point for nodding to the old flicks (GN'R - You Could Be Mine etc.)... and the actual movie is 2/10 at best.
i just wartched lost highway
im wastedo ut of my fucking mind

i almost died watching it
its so good

go watch it, its fucking amazing