Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Inland Empire is sheer, unbridled perfection.

no questioning its brilliance in this topic, gtfo
that is the only rule

just watched mulholland drive.
i actuially feel raped
i dont want to even remember the last half hour of that movie
not in a happy play tbh
i just feel genuinely fucking dead inside right now
bed in a minute i think
need to sleep on it, sober up and watch it again
my bad
too stoned+drunk to move

i feel filthy, like a rape victim
wanna go sit in a corner and cry
mulholland drive
what the fuck
Oh man, I'm floating high above the clouds right about now, and watching "The Running Man", and good god, I completely forgot about this line, and it's cracking me up to no end :lol: They're all great, but the one I'm referring to starts at 0:12 (Break your goddamn SSSPPINE, EEYYAAHHHHH *SMASH* :D)

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btw mulholland drive 10/10
obligatory lolol

Btw, mulholland drive, unlike LH and IE, does seem to have a (kinda) logical explanation which tbh I would never have understood if I didn't look it up on the net.

I had watched the movie 2 times before reading the explanation and it was already my favorite movie, but after reading it it got even better. I think it's brilliant.
Btw, mulholland drive, unlike LH and IE, does seem to have a (kinda) logical explanation which tbh I would never have understood if I didn't look it up on the net.

I had watched the movie 2 times before reading the explanation and it was already my favorite movie, but after reading it it got even better. I think it's brilliant.

i was too wasted to make any sense of pretty much anything last night
but kian did say its all about placement of objects or something
he kept telling me to look at ashtrays and stuff
im watching it again tonight at my sisters cos i gotta babysit my niece

what a fucking masterpiece though. i felt genuinely violated, like raped or something. i felt filthy, wanted to go sit in a corner and cry and just die or something. it fucked me up good and proper.
i was too wasted to make any sense of pretty much anything last night
but kian did say its all about placement of objects or something
he kept telling me to look at ashtrays and stuff

I was completely sober each time I watched it but still didn't figure out what was happening...You will certainly notice stuff you didn't before each time you watch it....but I really doubt you'll fully understand it. Not that anyone can fully understand it, probably not even David Lynch himself ;).
I was completely sober each time I watched it but still didn't figure out what was happening...You will certainly notice stuff you didn't before each time you watch it....but I really doubt you'll fully understand it. Not that anyone can fully understand it, probably not even David Lynch himself ;).

you should like
watch it while intoxicated, it just comes alive and hits you in the stomach
its amazing
Don't drink either?
A couple of bottles of something tasty will compliment Lynch quite nicely
Don't drink either?
A couple of bottles of something tasty will compliment Lynch quite nicely

Nope... tell you what though, if I ever decide to start taking drugs or drink alcohol I'll make sure I watch this movie again :lol:.

Anyway, back on topic....

Knowing 6.5/10 ...enjoyable I guess, if you don't expect too much. I liked the train station scene.
Just got off work..

Year One - 7/10. Pretty damn funny, despite how stupid it looked. Some really classic lines! "You know what the best part about Sodom is? All the sodomy!"
The Proposal - 6/10. Standard chick flick, had some funny bits. Better than a lot of the drivel out there... see if with your girl I suppose. Wasn't 'waiting for it to end' during any of it, which is rare.
Just finished watching XIII (based off the comic/game): 10/10.

Stayed true to the original (haven't read the comic but played the game), and was awesomely done. But REALLY long.. split into two parts I think it ended up being like 3.5 hours or something. Best movie I've seen in a long while.