Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Haha...that's very optimistic of you.... ;)

Like Mulholland Dr, there are some explanations floating around on the internet but they're not that convincing, they feel more like speculations ...a least most of them.

MD made much more sence than LH, after reading the link you posted I almost felt like I understood it ;) After reading about LH, much was still unclear.
i just watched mulholland drive again
it makes complete sense now
i feel like i have it ALL figured out
can i change my rating to 11/10 plz?
Yeah, but I don't pay attention to movie critics. Hell, I try not to have any expectations at all of a film before I see it. Expectations can only lead to disappointment.
On the subject of critics & reviews: I mean, seriously, why listen to these self-important windbags? I don't need some overweight slob telling me what I should like.
Because overweight slobs watch films for a living and probably have a much keener eye for the subtleties of cinema than your average filmgoer?
I stopped listening to what critics have to say quite a while ago, because for the most part, I tend to completely agree with what most of them have to say.
I don't feel that makes me a self important windbag, I feel it makes me a huge fan of films that doesnt get his reviews published on websites.
Having said that, I tend to think Michael Bay needs to give up, but the new Transformers movie DOES look pretty fucking sick.
The feature length cartoon transformers movie from the 80's is still where its at though, and if you think otherwise you're WRONG :D:D
Transformers 2: 8/10 as well.

I think it was funnier, more shooting/fighting/war and better poses from Megan Fox. Couple of cheesy moments, typical Hollywood and they could have easily cut it down by 15-20 mins.
It helps you were totally fucking trashed and could barely walk as well:lol:

i had another 2 hours of smoking and drinking after IE while watching the muppet show with some peeps, which is always good shit
so i would say i wasnt too wasted during IE ;) i was trying to actually take in some story for once
im still confused as fuck though
where the actual FUCK do the polish people fit in?!