Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

Whoa, is that out already, or did you get a bootleg?

Actually, I'm not sure if it's out. Friend of mine (in cali) popped it in the dvd player. Didn't think to ask any questions. I'm kinda out of the loop on what's coming out and when. Don't watch TV or listen to radio.

She looks dam good tho. You know when you want to see some chicks tits and when you finally do your like meh or nasty? Thats not the case here. Perfect! :worship: Dam she can work the pole too!
The Big Lebowski (2nd watch) 8/10
+1 point for quotability


Yeah that movie's great.

August Rush : 8/10, not doesn't make much sense story-wise but the score was incredible and the actors are believable if you stop critiquing. :)
Actually, I'm not sure if it's out. Friend of mine (in cali) popped it in the dvd player. Didn't think to ask any questions. I'm kinda out of the loop on what's coming out and when. Don't watch TV or listen to radio.

She looks dam good tho. You know when you want to see some chicks tits and when you finally do your like meh or nasty? Thats not the case here. Perfect! :worship: Dam she can work the pole too!

Will definitely investigate :D
The Hangover - 7/10

Funny, really funny at points, but also overrated IMO; the Chinese guy especially I just found painfully unfunny and stupid (oh, it's a gay Chinese guy talking ghetto, somebody stop my intestines from bursting out my sides :rolleyes: ), exacerbated by most people in the theater whoopin' and a'hollerin' (further solidifying my belief that most people are retarded), and I couldn't really laugh at the police station tazer scene, cuz that just pissed me off at the police brutality (of sorts). And the characters were just a bit too bro/yuppie for my tastes; I've been spoiled by the awesome everyman-ness of Seth Rogen (Superbad, 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, etc. were all way better IMO), and this didn't have as much wit and cleverness (or heart) as movies by him/Judd Apatow - my hopes are high for "Funny Men"!
Will definitely investigate :D

Same! Jessica Biel is a GODDESS!

I watched Bruno a couple of days ago. I give it a 7/10. I don't think it was as 'laugh out loud funny' as Borat, but it definitely had plenty of really awkward moments that were still hilarious. I dug it, even if there was penis everywhere throughout it. :lol:
The hangover 9/10 - such a funny movie probly the funniest movie i have seen in awhile

Land of the lost 7/10- not a bad movie had some really funny parts but could of been better

Up 9/10 - perfect disney/pixar movie

Terminator 7/10 - I actully really liked this movie but better then the 3rd one

Star Trek 8/10 - Fucking Killer movie the only part that was bullshit was spock having a love affiar and also if he saw his old self for real real the whole space time continuum would of turned inside out haha.

Transformers 8/10 - the story line was ok but the movie was so much funnier then the last one and the action in this one was way better.
Watchmen -1

Never ever have I struggled so much to stay awake the whole movie! Boring as hell, 1 point for occasionally nice cinematography.
I guess it's for the fans of the comics, which I will never consider reading after seeing this horrible movie in every way.
What I saw of it, about half hour, offended the fuck out of me
not because the subject matter offended me, but because it's so painfully inferior to the book.
that zack snyder cunt isnt getting my money for it, no fucking way

gattaca - 8.5/10
8.5 is a very good score from me, count your blessings bitch
under developed romance subplot, not the most emotive performance from ethan hawke
jude law was the highlight for me
cool ending though, i got a bit teary eyed at the end, very moving
and the scene with him and anton near the end.
My favorite part was the 'confrontation' with the doctor at the end, but that's a damn good film overall.

So far the only 10 I'd give is Dr. Strangelove - if any film could ever be considered perfect, it would be that one.

Majesty, The Black Dahlia Murder's DVD/Tour Documentary.
Seriously one of the most legit band documentaries I've seen in a while, and funny as shit.
My favorite part was the 'confrontation' with the doctor at the end, but that's a damn good film overall.

So far the only 10 I'd give is Dr. Strangelove - if any film could ever be considered perfect, it would be that one.


good scene, definately
heartwarming as fuck somehow

i still havent seen dr strangelove
i do not deserve to call myself a fan of film :(