Post WEIRD and UNKNOWN bands you like


Where are they from? (Finland, or sg of the kind?):grin:
@dawnghost: pouta, eu pensei q eu era o unico q ainda lembrava da existencia de Oingo Boingo! eauheauhaeuhea :lol:

Here are a few weird and unknown bands:

Xoxota alienígena
Fusca Bege do Vizinho do Osmar
Zimmer's Hole
A kombi que leva criancinhas
Z1bi do Mato

I know a fucking good band, you should give 'em a try. The first time i hear those i was like jumpin' all around :hot jump: and they are named:


yeah, they kick ass:P

Nu Métal:
what is that?

Métal Band:

-Quo Vadis, some of you, (if you come from Quebec) might know them, they are really talented.

-RA, the Vlad(ex-Agathodaimon singer) It really.. hum.. strnage, but really good
Welly said:
I know a fucking good band, you should give 'em a try. The first time i hear those i was like jumpin' all around :hot jump: and they are named:

I have heard of that band, it really sucks.