Post your non-music hauls here

True Norwegian Black Metal, Photobook by Peter Beste.

Some nifty stuff in here, including a nice bit from Metalion and some old pics of Dead, Euronymous, Varg and company .
I'll be reading it over Winter break. Right now I'm shoulders deep in Pride and Prejudice, Dracula, and The Moor's Last Sigh for school.
I'll be reading it over Winter break. Right now I'm shoulders deep in Pride and Prejudice, Dracula, and The Moor's Last Sigh for school.

:Puke: @ Pride and Prejudice. That's a Jane Austen novel, correct? I had to read Emma in first year and it was torturous. Fuck I hate Jane Austen. /minirant.
Western Digital Elements 1 terabyte external USB hard drive.


Not my ideal choice because I'm sure in six months drives of this magnitude will be readily available at a size smaller than 3.5", but I absolutely need the space right now.
And I just bought a 1 GB memory upgrade for my comp...need it badly.

I should really upgrade my memory too. I have a [legal and] free copy of Vista that I haven't installed because I need the memory first. I don't really need Vista for any reason, though, so my motivation is non-existent.
I seriously need an external as well. With a collection as large as mine, it's really annoying that I have to conserve space on an 80 GB harddrive that I share with 3 other people. I've been ripping my CDs at 128kbps for years just so I can fit more albums.
I seriously need an external as well. With a collection as large as mine, it's really annoying that I have to conserve space on an 80 GB harddrive that I share with 3 other people. I've been ripping my CDs at 128kbps for years just so I can fit more albums.

My problem is that I always have to rip all of my CDs in flac and mp3, so each disc consumes about 500MB total. I figure a decade into the future drives will be available so cheap with such high capacities that there will be no rationale in having a digital collection in anything less than full lossless quality. The problem is at that point I also imagine that I'll have so many CDs that the task of re-ripping them all into a lossless format will be unfathomable, so I want to do this progressively as my collection grows.