Post your non-music hauls here

fuck, I went on a big spending " binge" the last week. Bought a camera finally, Canon Rebel xsi, Jan saudek's Saudek ( photo book) and a nixon watch.

so that said I can finally take pics of my gear, the ll get 'em up here.
mapex pro M SE

all maple shells.
drum toys:
DW 9002 (the odin of all double bass pedals)

tama throne

tama snare stand

3 splash claws

zildjian 6 inch zil-bel

factory metal celtic bells

real cymbals and stands next purchase. but i just wanted some simple stuff to work on rythm work. i might get a dark splash and another claw at some point soon though.
NEW METAL MANIACS which features a fucking vintage Morbid Angel poster (Grave on other side which ain't toooo shabby either) AND interviews with THE GATES OF SLUMBER, HOUR OF 13, NECROVATION, and tons more. Plus a CD with shit by lots of new bands. FOR 5 BUCKS.
NEW METAL MANIACS which features a fucking vintage Morbid Angel poster (Grave on other side which ain't toooo shabby either) AND interviews with THE GATES OF SLUMBER, HOUR OF 13, NECROVATION, and tons more. Plus a CD with shit by lots of new bands. FOR 5 BUCKS.

That isn't a new issue, but it is the best one I've ever read. They do have some decent posters. I have that Morbid Angel, Dismember, Darkthrone, and Hellhammer, as well as Maiden, Priest, and Ozzy from Metal Edge. I won't be renewing my subscription to either though.