I think he's saying that if you don't like certain parts of this album and don't think it's essential, then you're just looking for attention. Now that he has pointed this out, I realize the obvious truth behind what he said. I only don't like certain parts of To The Nameless Dead and I don't think that it's essential because I just want people to note my opinion and to see that I don't conform to the norms.
edit: <smiley face>
Seriously though, whatever happened to simply not liking something because, well, you don't like it? Or it didn't meet expectations?
Also, is that question really coming from you of all people LOL?
Ali, this is the first time that you have ever gotten underneath my snow white skin.
Seriously dude, wtf?!?
What on earth are you talking about??????????
I get like what?
Look, I like the new Primordial.
I made a comment and you respond with some smart ass reply as if the pot is calling the kettle black. ie. Every comment I make is illogical. Don't play coy.
Couple posts up there reminded me of former disagreements we had, but they're so far in the past and clouded in the haze of marijuana smoke that I cannot recall the specifics.
It's not like I spend hours a day deleting all your spam threads now is it?
Ali's right, 2007 sucked. And I have pie charts to prove it. PIE CHARTS!!!
If you don't come with pie charts, your opinion is worthless.
Summary: in 2006, 24% of the music I listened to was from the current year. In 2007, only 9% was from the current year.
Oh shit, now you're going to have to make a NEW official thread for this album
Well, going from that, what was your top 10 for 2006 then?
Well shit, I wouldn't post so much "spam" threads if all my music related threads didn't go unanswered.
I get like what?
Look, I like the new Primordial. It's my fave album of 2007. Though I will say that if their next release was to end up sounding like TGW part 3, then I'd probably start to hope for something....different. I'd rather them not stagnate.
I'd be perfectly ok with Primordial taking a 2 year break if it meant Alan working with KK Warslut on something.