Problems with "Deliverance".

Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
I agree. Patterns in the ivy was far better than it.

I consider For Absent Friend a song Opeth put in there on purpose to give the listeners somekind of break...the transition with Master's Apprentices is alot more effective that way. Anyway, I also like Patterns a little more but I think it's fair to say that they're comparable in many ways.
For Absent Friends is very boring. Also, I don't really like hidden tracks, but its not a big deal in this case.
well, there are a few minutes in between the end of the song and the "outro" as you call it, so that makes it a hidden track. If brilliant is rehashing lyrics from throughout the album backwords, then brilliant it is.
I have to say that I'm really disappointed. The songs are longer, but less complex, there is no riff that really fascinates me, few parts that sound really interesting, few melodies creating such a wonderful melanchoic feeling as the older albums did. I absolutely don't want to say that Deliverance is a bad album, but considering Opeth's previous works it's nearly a joke. Growls no more kick ass as they did before, clean vocals don't really invite you to sing etc. Also I think there are far too many repetitions... the final Riff of "Deliverance" for example, when I heard it for the first time I thought "wow, that's cool, something new, not bad man", but after it has been repeated 16 times I was really tired of this one. Why do they force the songs into a greater length without considering that they could destroy good riffs by repeating them too often? Why does, for example, this boring "rise to submission"-Part in "By the pain I see in others" appear so often? Sorry, but this was the last Opeth-album I've bought without having listened to one of the tracks before. I don't regret bying it, but if they develop this way in future, they could soon be quite an uninteresting band. Mike, I guess something's wrong with you. Sorry, but this is not "my" Opeth any more. Amen.
I really can't say... mainly because I haven't had time to fully grasp it. The vocals seemed lighter in the mix though. I was expecting it to be overall heavier. I would have liked to have the death vox heavier in general, but I think it's just a different sound to get used to.

And I like For Absent Friends. :p

...I should probably wait until I get 20 listens under my belt. :lol:
Im not too impressed with it ... I like it better than Black Water Park if I look at it completely but Bwp did more for me in certain parts D1 is just good over all .... The first time I heard the songs I could predict what was gonna happen .. with BWp after 5 -10 listens I was still sayin" oh yeah I forgot about that part" .. with other albums every time I heard them it brought something new and they still do .. but it seems like I've been listening to deliverance for a few years now... no depth ...

Im an asshole for saying this because if it was any other bands album it would surely be the best thing thay ever created but it's certainly no match for .. say Still Life ..

Sorry Mikael ... im still holding you guys number one im my books but my grip is weakening ... I'll have to wait till Damnation comes out to judge on opeth's direction I suppose .. and I suggest everyone else do the same .. If this album doesn't satisfy us completely (some of us) maybe damnation is what it's missing .. and when we get that .. everything will be complete and we will fully understand and enjoy both albums like every other album .. maybe ...
Originally posted by Domson as TIOBS
I have to say that I'm really disappointed. The songs are longer, but less complex, there is no riff that really fascinates me, few parts that sound really interesting, few melodies creating such a wonderful melanchoic feeling as the older albums did. I absolutely don't want to say that Deliverance is a bad album, but considering Opeth's previous works it's nearly a joke. Growls no more kick ass as they did before, clean vocals don't really invite you to sing etc. Also I think there are far too many repetitions... the final Riff of "Deliverance" for example, when I heard it for the first time I thought "wow, that's cool, something new, not bad man", but after it has been repeated 16 times I was really tired of this one. Why do they force the songs into a greater length without considering that they could destroy good riffs by repeating them too often? Why does, for example, this boring "rise to submission"-Part in "By the pain I see in others" appear so often? Sorry, but this was the last Opeth-album I've bought without having listened to one of the tracks before. I don't regret bying it, but if they develop this way in future, they could soon be quite an uninteresting band. Mike, I guess something's wrong with you. Sorry, but this is not "my" Opeth any more. Amen.

Shit, I completly disagree with what have been said here...I mean, every statements are really untrue to me :cry:
i think that every one who is critisising it almost certainly hasnt given it enough listens.

i think its a great album but i would remove the hidden track.

i think opeth is developing in an interesting way. i love all their albums.

i really would NOT like to hear another orchid or morningrise. i really would NOT like to hear another album repeated.

bands only last for a short period of time i hope opeth can leave

me with a broad spectrum of albums of which i can pick which i

want to listen to based on the mood i am in on that particular day.
I really don't have any substantial complaints with Deliverance. I'll admit that I was somewhat let down by the ending of By the Pain I See In Others (I'm not talking about the backwards vocals), but that's really not a very big deal. One of the main reasons I listen to Opeth is the atmosphere, and, if for no other reason, I'm loving Deliverance for the atmosphere it creates. I don't think they have gotten less interesting at all. They've evolved from the early days, and the music now is simply different. I think it's gotten a little bit less melancholic, but it's also gotten a lot darker and more disturbing. I don't really know what to say about this new album except that I love it. It's like trying to explain an emotion - you just can't do it. Maybe it's partially because this album came to me at just the right time in my life (this album has been very fitting for my moods lately), but I know I would still love it if I would have gotten it at any other time, too. So, aside from the one complaint I've already shared, I'm not disappointed in the least bit.
Originally posted by mindflesh
For Absent Friends. It's boring. Their first really boring instrumental.

Dude, no fucking way!

For Absent Friends is probably their BEST instrumental (Patterns In The Ivy and Prologue being the only 2 others I know of)

Here are my initial comments I typed to a friend when I first heard For Absent Friends:

"The instrumental. The implicit emotion, holy fuck. This instrumental song is Pain Of Salvation-level of emotional content (and PoS is pure emotion put into album form)"
I also really enjoy For Absent Friends.. man that's a great little instrumental.

Also I find By the Pain I see in Others AWESOME!!

The rest of the album I think will definately grow on me..

I admit, I really was disappointed at first with deliverance. To me, it had nowhere near the depth of BWP. But I've had to let it grow on me, I'm liking it more with every listen.

oh, and for absent friends is awesome. really jazzy, i love it.
It didn't hit me on the first listen so much. Only 1 and 2 did, but the album has a lot of similar riffs (as all do, I guess) and I haven't differentiated it in my head too well yet. I've listened to the last two twice but I feel like I haven't really HEARD them. In that I can't remember a damn thing. I'll have to let it sink in. I can't say it has as many immediately fantastic parts for me as BWP, but.. it's all here, and I love it.

Is it just me or does his growling sound really close to how it was on Morningrise?

I also like For Absent Friends. It's got a nice feel.