Problems with "Deliverance".

I think the guitar production could have been better. If you're going to play heavy stuff like on Master's Apprentices, give the guitar some freaking balls! The drums sound good though.

I don't like the vocals as much on Deliverance as say... on MAYH or Still Life. They've lost that deep, guttural edge. At least he still uses that style on the Bloodbath album. The clean vocals are little less "sing along" too, as someone said, but they have a neat "detatched sadness" sound to them, which suits the mood of the album well.

As many others have said, there is a little too much repetition on Deliverance.

I guess my feelings towards recent Opeth can be summarized like this:

BWP/Deliverance = Good
Still Life/MAYH = Fucking incredible
First of all, in my opinion, there is NOTHING wrong with this album. That doesn't mean that it is their best, but it is definately up there. Yes, I like For Absent Friends. And yes, I do like the wierd backword voice at the end of By The Pain I See in Others. It sounds so cool and eerie.... it doesn't really matter exactly WHAT it is, but what it sounds like.... and I think it sounds great! I pretty much disagree with every negative thing that has been said about Deliverance on this thread.... and I will not look for reasons or try not to like something.....because I like it all....
Yah I love that backwards bit at the end of the album, as well as the 'rise to submission' bit. In fact. that song is so fucking amazing I think ill go and listen to it right now...*drools*
Originally posted by Domson as TIOBS
Also I think there are far too many repetitions... the final Riff of "Deliverance" for example, when I heard it for the first time I thought "wow, that's cool, something new, not bad man", but after it has been repeated 16 times I was really tired of this one. Why do they force the songs into a greater length without considering that they could destroy good riffs by repeating them too often?

As a person who's not a fan of their overall bad death metal stylings, I completely agree. I think it's cool that Mikael actually put in some more crunchy riffs to at least make the death metal stuff more listenable, but sometiems I think the fact that he even overdoes the few crunchy riffs that he thinks up sort of negates the fact that he did add something new.
Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
I agree. When you're listening to it closely you tend yto go into a kind of trance!

Yeah, that's it.
When I first heard the song ending, I was floored, but also a little suspicious if this part would get boring after a few listens.
Now, so far I wouldn't even THINK of skipping to the next track!
Originally posted by jester00
i think that every one who is critisising it almost certainly hasnt given it enough listens.

I am forced to agree, it does sound like some haven't let it sink in properly yet.. Ah well :)

I think Deliverance is an excellent album, it uses contrast (both dynamic and from singing to growling/soft to heavy) just as effectively, if not more so, than Opeth's previous albums.. The clean vocals are excellent, the growls heavier.. Also there is more variation in the styles and backings used. It’s no longer clean vox, acoustic backing and growls with electric as tended to be the case in early albums, on D1 there is growling with acoustics and singing with heavy backing as well.. Oh, and the vocals are only harder to sing along to because there is more layering/are more harmonies, and less single vocal lines.. (and Trevj, even though my favourite growls are on MAYH, surely on Deliverance Mike’s growls are more guttural than they have been? :err: They definitely sound it to me.. )

I also disagree that Deliverance is more simplistic. More subtle in its complexities, yes, but in no way more simplistic. Repetition has been a major element of Opeth's sound since the beginning, and it has got more common throughout the albums, but I think the riffs on BWP are repeated just as many times, if not more so than on D1. And the beauty of that repeated section at the end of the title track is the odd time signatures – the almost mechanical, precise drums and then syncopated guitars every few bars. If you bother to listen not only do you have this but there are several crescendos which then break down again before the end of the song, and a gradual increase in the number of layers.. It works for me :)

Perhaps, like BWP my interest may not be maintained for as long by Deliverance because of the increase in repetition, who knows.. But there’s a certain something which at the moment makes me think that will be unlikely..
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
My only complaint is the same as many others, the ending riff to the title track is WAAAAAAYYYY too fuckin long. Halfway through it Im bored of it and skip to the next song.

Its not too long at all, they repeat it alot sure, but they fact is they add some really cool ideas nearing the end of that riff. For example that crescendo effect sounds really eerie and effective.....

your a philistine willy boy!
Well I agree with different opinions on this thread. I didn;t really like the album when I fist got it. It took a week of solid listening to get used to their new-ish style. I think it's fantastic and as techinical as ever. The production is so tight and flows really well.
There is one part on this album I absolutly adore, and that is at 4:33 in A Fair Judgment. I can;t get enough of this song, it sounds so Floyd. Lovely Jubley :grin:

I have no significant problems with Deliverance, I think it's a great CD. I think it's a mixture of My Arms, Your Hearse (taking the relatively-simplistic heavy parts with double kick drum) and Blackwater Park (the use of acoustic passages, pianos, effects, etc.). But there's also some new things, such as the rhythm riff people were talking about above at the end of Deliverence, and the whole of By The Pain I See In Others is significantly different to traditional Opeth style (I dare anyone to say they anticipated the growls in the early acoustic sections). All in all a great, but not quite brilliant, CD in my humble opinion. Oh, and give this CD a few listens and you're full concentration and, like all Opeth's stuff, you'll find things that hook you.
Well I'll chip in with my 2 cents on Deliverance.

The production ain't quite good enough, my favourite production was Still Life, BWP never grew on me and I think it was a bit too shiny and perfect. Deliverance has good production but the guitars sound a bit thinner and the bass much weaker than how I would have wanted it,

Mikaels growl doesn't sound quite as guturral as on previous releases, and his clean vocals sound a lot less deep. However, his clean vocals do have a lot of emotion and theres not really that much wrong with them. The growls are very brutal, but not quite as brutal as past releases.

Thats the bad stuff over...good points...drumming is the no.1 Awesome drumming. I think there are in fact many interesting, brilliant riffs going on on Deliverance, maybe so many of you think there as less interesting riffs because of the less interesting guitar production?? I think Deliverance is more adventurous and progressive than previous albums. The songs Deliverance, A Fair Judgement and By the Pain I See In Others all show new levels of innovation and progressiveness on Opeths behalf. The songs also feel adventurous to me, the mood on this album is so unlike the Opeth I knew. It gives me a different vibe, of Opeth moving with the times and modernising while also retaining that spark that makes them so great.

I think Opeth have progressed to a place they had no choice but to progress to. Deliverance sounds like a bit of a risk on their behalf, but one that paid off. It makes for a more interesting listen and feels like a complete individual from its siblings. Its new and fresh and I like it very much. However the production isn't up to scratch for me and ruins it a bit.
first i got to say that i am not one of the opeth-is-the-best-band-ever opethfans...ordered D1 with the day it came out in germany but it has not arrived yet...some friend bought it and i burned it...i could not wait. all in all it is an amazing album and in my book greater than BWP and MAYH (the rest i do not know)....the ending of deliverance (the song) is more than amazing....actually i listen to it right NOW. it rocks....i can understand ppl calling the hidden track thingie boring but i think it's cool...

got no problems with rocks my ass....
