Problems with "Deliverance".

Deliverance is not what I expected but I still think it's very good. So far I'd say it's better only than Morning Rise...maybe MAYH.

Anyway, one thing I really dislike about the album are the song endings. You know how many authors just kill off the main character because they don't know what to do with him? They don't know how to end it? I think Mike did the same thing with these songs.

2 great examples of fantastic Opeth endings:
1. The Leper Affinity
2. BWP
Deliverance and Master's Apprentices end really well. BTPISIO's ending is just odd (not counting the backwards part), and it might have been nicer to have a really epic song end like BWP or Karma to finish off the album. I think that song is just meant to be weird and disjointed though, so whatever.

The production actually seems smoother than BWP's. The guitars on BWP were really noisy. The ones on Deliverance sometimes seem slightly weak for the material being played. I think they just don't have that huge low end anymore.
Yeah when I first heard Deliverance I was not impressed at all, to be honest I was really disapointed, especially with Wreath but then on my eighth listen, it just hit me like a rock and realised how GREAT the album was, although at that point I still was not to crazy about Wreath, but after numerous listens it finally grew on substantially and now Wreath is one of my favourite tracks on the record. I guess it just takes a while to understand it.

There was one point when my heart rate actually increased due to how I felt and was percieving the music, I just thought it was brilliant, to me that is, I really got a grasp on it at that particular juncture, and felt so satisfied/happy with the material.

Like I said though: I was REALLY disapointed and ended up being REALLY happy and pleased with the album, and currently its growing on me more.

I now await Damnation;)
The first time I heard the title track, I thought the ending was cool but seemed to go on and on, but I love it now! I think it's excellent. To me it seems to even go pretty quickly. Like others have kind of said, if you really listen to it, you notice that with each repeat there are subtle changes to the drumming and instrumentation. I love the drums. It just keeps building up towards the end. Then just before it ends you have the piano chord going from being played backwards to forward a couple of times. I think it's great! Good to listen to while walking too! :)

About the vocals, I think the higher screetchy vocals used in some parts of the songs give it a more creepy, almost black metal feel, and I think towards the end of "Wreath" it just totally kicks ass the way it's added with the deeper vocals. Then the "ooooooaah!" at the end...amazing...I can't help but smile through that section of the song.

I mentioned my "problem" with Deliverance in my Opethine Tree thread.
I´m not that fond. Though I wasn´t that fond with BWP either. I think Still Life was the peak, there´s no way a human could make better album. I haven´t listened Deliverance THAT many times, though, but these are *the*first*weekend*-impressions.

I have problems with D´s vocals. Clean parts are cool, jazzy and trippy melodies. I would have liked to hear more harmonies, as Mike is really good with them. Growls lack something. The low growl sound is a bit fuzzy sometimes sounding just"wide whispering" and the high-pitched growl sounds...bad. Like he had lost his voice. Also the growl parts lack the dynamics they used to have. Too often it´s just one long growl that it´s stretched a bit too long.

The riffs are good, but not godlike, like on Still Life.

To me "By the pain I see in others" represents the direction I would like Opeth to go. It´s dark and a bit odd. I really much like the "SusannaHaavisto"-part (the circus waltz :) )

Somehow the other songs lack a bit soul or warmth or whatever. Though this may change with time.
I had downloaded the title track before the album came out, and it stands out more than the rest of the album...I think that's because I've listened to it more, so I must do that to the rest of the album.
I for one think this album is absolutely amazing, listen to it in my car every morning to college and i hum to the riffs and sing along with each one of the songs, the way the lead guitar pierces the backing guitar at 5:45 in a fair judgement is just totally amazing, a are the clean vocals in deliverance. I think the production is pretty much spot on, the ending the wreath kinda annoys me though, you keep thinking and wanting it will end at about 8 mins but it drags on for a couple of minutes, hmpf.

The only problem i have is the endings, geez, if they would cut out the last 3 minutes of tedious deliverance riffs, and the last 5 mins of the pain i see in others, they would have enough space on the CD to make another ace song :d
†Lost In Moments†

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Originally posted by jester00
i think that every one who is critisising it almost certainly hasnt given it
enough listens.

I am forced to agree, it does sound like some haven't let it sink in properly yet.. Ah well

I think Deliverance is an excellent album, it uses contrast (both dynamic and from singing
to growling/soft to heavy) just as effectively, if not more so, than Opeth's previous
The growling on Deliverance is NOT nearly as effective as on MAYH, Still Life, or even BWP..The growls are good (even better on Bloodbath) but are not as emotionally gripping as previous releases..The drumming shines on Deliverance, the clean vocals are well performed if not as emotional or atmospheric, as the do sound sensual to me..The acoustic interludes are not as classically inspired, (new latin beats, and a carvival psychedelic feel..Ohhh I miss theose classical acoustic interludes..)I agree the production of the guitars are somewhat low in the mix, even though they spotlight a thrash riff or two between Deliverance's ending and The Pain I See in Others..
Their not mutch of a segue/ contrast in clean vs. death vocals on Deliverance.."Bleak" of off BWP has a great segue of clean to death vocals for maximum crecendo emotional impact and that's just Bleak..The contrast between death and clean vocals..? Not as good on Deliverance as previous relases even though the clean vocals are well proformed on Deliverance..Harmonies are not as apparent on Deliverance either..Hails..-l-