ProgPower XII wantlist

This is one band that really deserves either the Main show or the Showcase.

OK, Here is my wish list:

Amberian Dawn
Dark Moor
Legion of Hetheria

I know that the chances of next three playing at ProgPower is smaller than the Pope becoming an Athiest, but a guy can dream, can't he?

Seraphim (Twn)
Dream Evil
I've seen recently in our my space and ...surprise !! . we have more fans in USA than in Italy (38 % against 28%) what it means ??? USA is very far from Italy but it will be an honour for us to be invited in your country to play our music....
I know tickets price is very high for 5 people and may be we have to saty 2 or 3 days in hotel but we don't want any more ....we'll remember in the future that a dream can became true.......Hoping to toutch the heart of someone in charge to dicide, we continue to play our music without any compromise.
Our love to all fans in USA...
Gianni Nepi
thought i'd contribute. ;)

1. Dream Theater (haha, everyone else is putting up their dream lineup)
2. 3 (absolutely incredible band)
3. Cynic
4. Mastodon (ohhh yeeaa!)
5. Firewind
6. Theocracy
7. Pagans Mind (again... pleaseee)
8. 3 inches of blood.
9. Freak Kitchen ( i know some of these are repeats of previous years, but i didnt see them lol.) ;)
10. ...Steel panther.... (hahahahaha had to try. not prog or power, but amazing lol.)
You know, I've never thought about it until now, but I'm kinda surprised Dominici hasn't played ProgPower yet. His last two records were great and pretty well received. I could really go for that.

Yeah, actually when Volbeat couldn't do it for IX they're band I thought of that would be awesome in that spot. Hell, I even messaged them via myspace and thanked me for letting them know. ha! Hopefully one of these days. I completely forgot about that until you just brought that up.
I've seen recently in our my space and ...surprise !! . we have more fans in USA than in Italy (38 % against 28%) what it means ??? USA is very far from Italy but it will be an honour for us to be invited in your country to play our music....
I know tickets price is very high for 5 people and may be we have to saty 2 or 3 days in hotel but we don't want any more ....we'll remember in the future that a dream can became true.......Hoping to toutch the heart of someone in charge to dicide, we continue to play our music without any compromise.
Our love to all fans in USA...
Gianni Nepi


Dark Quarterer - One of the bands that has been played the most in the johan68 household in -09. Brilliant stuff!!! :rock:
I've seen recently in our my space and ...surprise !! . we have more fans in USA than in Italy (38 % against 28%) what it means ??? USA is very far from Italy but it will be an honour for us to be invited in your country to play our music....
I know tickets price is very high for 5 people and may be we have to saty 2 or 3 days in hotel but we don't want any more ....we'll remember in the future that a dream can became true.......Hoping to toutch the heart of someone in charge to dicide, we continue to play our music without any compromise.
Our love to all fans in USA...
Gianni Nepi

I would love to see Dark Quarterer play the ought to look into the Alehorn fest in Chicago...
I guess I'm not as hardcore of a prog enthusiast as I thought. Most of the bands posted just don't interest me. I guess I just like the more common ones.

I'll list the bands I want to see anyways:

Dead Soul Tribe
Pain Of Salvation
Mariusz Duda (the man can do whatever he wants on stage for all I care)
Indukti (So long as they play "Tusan Homichi Tuvota")
Green Carnation (Can't they just get back together for one song? :lol:)
In no particular order

Pain of Salvation
Gamma Ray
Deadsoul Tribe
Soul Secret
Vanden Plas
Enchant (the PPX showcase of theirs rocked!)
The Third Ending
Sabaton (please please please)
Eternal Legacy
Day Six