Protesting the War

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Folklore said:
i`ll have to close this thread guys
please stop it, this forum is not made fo ryou to argue over stuff you cant control.
If you think people aren't the ones to make the difference, then you're the one who supports dictatorship.
I Think That It's Better To Close This Thread , Folklore , For The Common Good Of This Forum.
I See That Some People Who Visit For The First Time , Orphaned Land Forum ,are Trying Just To Increase Their Posts With Acrimonious Posts...
There Are Better And More Polite Ways To Discuss Something.
Para-Void said:
If you think people aren't the ones to make the difference, then you're the one who supports dictatorship.

Hello friend,

We dont want to speak politic here, because here is a forum of a band that not standing in any side. We are protesting against the war. Because there is nothing to show that war is good solution!

Well i "like" discussing about anything in a forum, and i find the fact that a thread can ruin a forum a little bit silly (since there is no swearing/fight in the discussion), but if this is what the BAND wants, then of course the thread must be locked.
From my personal expirience, from the fact that we are a music band that sing for everyone in the world no matter what I can assure you that dealing with politic matters ruin friendships and thats not our spirit.

Dealing with politic is complicated and dirty, it's like swimming in a pool of shit.

We say, lets stop blaiming and lets stop finding justifications, every side has his sown justifications and all are right and tells the truth, there are thousands of places for politic conversations, for us politic is dirt and we would like to keep thisa place clean, please understand.

By apologizing to all of the band members (because I know that you are trying to close this "argue" thing) I want to ask IOfTheStorm something... He said ;

This is one of the most ridiculus things you say. Muslim countries (except Turkey) NEVER had a "conqueror attitude" as YOUR country has all the time (for many reasons)

What does that mean?!??! Do WE have a "conqueror attitude"??!! Or are you still living in 1453 ?! (for the ones who don't know i want the explain this date; it is the date that Turks have conquered İstanbul...

This thing you say sounds too racist...
Don't get angry or someting... I thing the "except Turkey" was referred to "NEVER"... which means in all the history (including Turks arriving in Vienna stuff).... It was not about now...
Exchanging opinions is something important, but please don't argue about details... or linguistic misunderstandings...
So, stop now, if someone would like to give a comment about someone else's statement, he can do it with a private message!
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