Pseudo Intellectuals and Opeth

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Opeth's music is much deeper and more intelligent than Tool will ever be.
Sorry, but this is plain bullshit. ;)

You may like Opeth alot more if you choose to. But Tool is one of the major facilities for intellectual rock nowadays. I suppose you get in touch a little deeper with their stuff again? ;)
Opeth and Tool are very different Musically and in the lyrical content and in the spirit in general...very much because Scandinavia is not the US...different mentality.
Mike sings about pain and sadness and death mostly in a kind of gothic way.
Maynard sings about pain violence and the human psyche and the whole third eye thingy...that's completely different.

There's nothing to compare really.
arguing about which band is deeper seems a bit shallow to me. seriously ppl, both bands r good in their own way, deep in their own way. as many fake intellectuals listen to opeth as listen to tool, im sure, as long as we're talking percentage of the whole and not sheer quantity.
TOOL is TOOL. Opeth is Opeth. They are both great bands. The question I asked myself is if both bands were in town that evening, which would I pay to see. The answer I came up with is both. Opeth would be opening for TOOL, giving much needed EXPOSURE to Opeth that they deserve.
Talking of Tool and Opeth, people arguing for 8 pages about which is better than the other bore me. Especially since both bands have a very peculiar type of fan group. One half is very open-minded and appreciative of good music in general, while the other half hideously overrates the band, never shuts the hell up about how good their band is, compares all other music to them, and can't tolerate anyone saying any band is better than the one they're whoring.
^ I take it the latter half are the Opeth fans. I completley agree if that is what you are saying. Opeth is good music, but not the best band. I get tired of all the Opeth fanboys too.
shark22 said:
^ I take it the latter half are the Opeth fans. I completley agree if that is what you are saying. Opeth is good music, but not the best band. I get tired of all the Opeth fanboys too.
you can tell the fanboys from the fans in a simple way. fanboys never have anything negative to say about their obsession, ever. die hard fans will acknowledge a group's faults, while still maintaining their strengths. i think both bands in question here have people from both groups.
So here's a question: Do you need to really KNOW music to "get" Opeth? Opeth *IS* my favorite band, but to be honest, I don't really know anything about music. What I mean by that is that I don't play an instrument and don't really know a whole lot about the complexities of playing them.
I got into Opeth when it was introduced to me by a friend over the 'net. Previous to Opeth, I've always been into metal, but it was fairly limited. It started with Metallica, moved to Megadeth and kept with similar classic thrash bands. Eventually, I discovered Demons & Wizards, which lead me to Iced Earth and Blind Guardian. I really loved all three, because the music was interesting and nothing like I had ever heard before. I never made the transitian from nu metal "hardcore" music to real death metal. I never liked Slipknot or any of the Nu Metal that has come out in the latter 90's. But I've always hated repetitive music, which is why I never listened to that.

Opeth got me really interested because of the fact that they're interesting. The fact that the music is constantly changing and evolving throughout various songs. So, I guess my question is, do I really have to know music to appreciate and "get" Opeth? I've been a fan of them for about year now. Dark Tranquility is arguably what led me to seek out the Opeth sound via my friend and from Opeth, I've been consistantly hunting for more and more music of a similar nature. Stuff that's interesting. My current playlist (I've been meaning to get Gorgoroth off there, their stuff really is just annoying IMO) and it's expanding everyday. But yes, what does that make me? I mean, that I don't play an instrument and all, but I still love Opeth? Just out of curiosity.

I've been debating whether or not to introduce one of my real life friends to Opeth. He's into metal, but I'm not sure he finds Opeth or my kind of metal as interesting as I do. It seems as though he more looks at something for how hard it is and such. I mean, he listens to A Perfect Circle and various Nu Metal-esque bands.

This is just a bunch of rambling--I'm sorry.
If you're wondering who I am, I'm a lurker. I generally lurk here and at the Orphaned Land forums.
shark22 said:
^ I take it the latter half are the Opeth fans. I completley agree if that is what you are saying. Opeth is good music, but not the best band. I get tired of all the Opeth fanboys too.
No...I meant each band has those halves. Half of Tool fans are like that and half of Opeth fans are like that.

It can be clearly seen on this board and this thread in particular.
Mikael is single handedly a better musician/songwriter than everyone in Tool combined. It's not even close really.
^ that is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say... maynard and mikael write completely different music mostly about different things. its impossible to compare opeth and tool. why dont some of you dickheads stop being obsessed fanboys who wont hear a word against their band and stop giving shit to a band that deserves numerous accolades. this kind of shit pisses me off. there is absolutely no need to say stupid shit like that above. it just brings on more fanboy attitudes and breeds more fighting. i think its high time this thread was closed moony before tubbs gets bashed.

ps. you really make me laugh moony... a trout haha!
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