Punk Vs. Metal

I like both, more Metal than Punk though.

I dont like black metal, the only metal I like really is melodic death metal, Metal and well, a good lot of mainstream bands, It doesnt annoy me if they make 50 million per album..

Punk on the other hand, its only down to a few bands, the offspring, the sex pistols, afi, that sort of stuff.


Metal is better anyway, but a band dont have to be technical genious's to put toghether an album, I hate the mentallity of having to sit locked in a room for 5 years playing a guitar to have some sort of respect.
Do you think that most punk bands can play metal stuff? bigwig does a cover of war ensemble. you should download it its pretty good
Each has its ups and downs. I listen to metal more, but that doesn't mean I prefer it. I love the Dead Kennedys, and their simple guitars suit them. They would probably suck if they had tons of complex guitar work and stuff.
there is so much good music out there, it doesnt really get anywhere asking this question here (in a 'metal' forum) or asking it in a punk forum.

obviously most ppl here are going to say metal (and theyd be right:tickled: )

just the same as most ppl in a punk fourm will say punk (and THEY would be wrong :p )

i prefer metal ... obviously - but i like some punk eg: the misfits rule
plus some black flag, rancid, dri, exploited, ramones ... etc.

why i know (hehe) that metal is better, is coz its less boring than punk. punk tends to be very simple music with repetitious lyrics and after listening to it for 2 hrs it all tends to all sound exactly the same.
There are some techinical punk/hardcore out there but usually they're pretty simple so heavy metal bands show more technical skill. I love some hardcore bands like Biohazard and Madball but they can't top the almighty heavy metal man. Heavy metal sounds way more brutal and punishing and just more exciting to listen to.
i think punk.. its something like... humm.. so raw and with a lot of feeling (good punk). Those new pop-punk bands like Good Charlote are a bunch of shit... they only give a bad name to a good genre.

Anyway... i preffer metal... a lot more than punk.
Some punk is pretty hyper and raw and that's kicking. Both genres are founded on rebellion but punk is more politically/socially aware than heavy metal a lot of the time and heavy metal concentrates more on emotion and fantasies. Pop punk is a baaad joke to punk just like how hair metal and nu-metal it to heavy metal.
Mah take on this..

Some punk rock is enjoyable......however, ain't nothin that punk does or did, lyrically or musically, that some metal band(s) don't do 10 times better, and that includes the rebellious aspect of it. Saying punk rock is about rebellion/non conformity always has been and always will be an utterly ridiculous statement, IMO, and I just don't see the worth in it on any level. It was a stupid trend from close to the beginning (excluding pre 77/78 bands), and since it's done it's job of influencing some major bands already, someone should just shoot it and everything pertaining to it (pop punk, emo, and their gigantic followings are first in line) right square in the head and put it out of it's misery.
I used to love Gangreen. They were a skater punk band and they had some lyrics that were funny as hell. Suicidal Tendencies was a really good band that had a lot of punk in them as well. Still metal rules. I like to hear guitar solos, good vocals and musicianship that you don't get in punk music.

Stoner Sioux said:
Metal is better of course. Listen to bands like Death and Morbid Angel, Hate Eternal, Sinister. Those bands have some of the best guitarists who don't use power chords much. Listen to all their complex solos, and the speeds that they play them at. The drums and the bass aren't lame either. What kind of metal bands are you listening to anyways? I hope its not Nu Metal, because that's where your gonna find the power chords and no solos.
Most metalheads these days like newer, more extreme styles of metal such as death and black... musically they are not very complex. Sure they play fast but does that necessarily equal good playing? If you want 'complex' solos, listen to old school metal, as many of these newer bands rely more on downtuning their guitars and having groove in their music rather than complexity.
Orion Crystal Ice said:
Mah take on this..

Some punk rock is enjoyable......however, ain't nothin that punk does or did, lyrically or musically, that some metal band(s) don't do 10 times better, and that includes the rebellious aspect of it. Saying punk rock is about rebellion/non conformity always has been and always will be an utterly ridiculous statement, IMO, and I just don't see the worth in it on any level. It was a stupid trend from close to the beginning (excluding pre 77/78 bands), and since it's done it's job of influencing some major bands already, someone should just shoot it and everything pertaining to it (pop punk, emo, and their gigantic followings are first in line) right square in the head and put it out of it's misery.

i think you are right 100%
how ever i would say its more than 10x
its more like 1000x if not more. I just cant stand punk.
There is so much good metal, from prog metal with mind blowing vocals and tech guitars to Death metal with 16th note dbl bass drums at 170 bpm
I like a few punk bands (Offspring, Pennywise, The Living End and a few others), not very many though. I much prefer metal because it's more complex and interesting. Punk lyrics are way too cheesy for me (much more cheesy than power metal lyrics!) with their subject matter about high school crushes, so-called 'toilet humour' and all that crap. They also play the same 3 chords over and over again, while metal is more technical and takes heaps more effort to play. I only listen to punk if I'm in the mood for music that's light and fun, but otherwise I prefer metal any day.

All that modern pop-punk is a load of BS, with bands like Dumb 41 and Stink 182. Call them by these names from now on.
since when were these radio bands "punk" anyway? There's a very hypocritical way of music, saying that mtv and the radio doesn't represent metal properly, but then looking straight to it for your examples of a punk band.

Do you get an accurate view of today's metal scene from watching MTV? STANDS TO REASON YOU WOULDN'T GET AN ACCURATE VIEW OF THE PUNK SCENE EITHER.

Clarification: Even today Pop Punk is to Punk what Nu Metal is to Metal.
i prefer metal over punk for the following reasons:
- the musicians in metal tend to be much better musicians and songwriters
- metal is more intense and emotional
- whilst some people say some punk is catchy there are metal bands that wipe the floor with their catchyness such as children of bodom and iron maiden
- the melodies in metal seem to be much better and memorable.
nergal_S said:
There are no melodies in punk, just 3 power chords played over and over with a cheap squire and a $30 amp

geeze none of you guys understand. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF PUNK. it's not about musical talent or having expensive equipment. IT'S ABOUT THE SPIRIT. punk is about having fun, letting out your energy and doing it yourself. whether or not that includes musical ability makes no difference. johnny ramone refused to learn anything on guitar except barre chords and look how good the ramones are.

back to the argument, i really can't decide. i like both but i listen to a lot more punk.
nergal_S said:
Punk is pure garbage. I am laughing that you would compare it to metal. First of all you have no idea what you are talking about guitar wise, i am a classical guitar player, and am getting my Master's is classical music. I can tell you that some metal bands like Spawn Of Possesion are taking guitar and drum playing to new levels that no one ever thought possible 15 years ago. Bands like emperor, summoning, abigor use voice leading when writing song's they write it in a STAB form and its very similar to 20-21st century classical music. Punk on the other hand, man i cant even start. Its just garbage. Its not art, its entertainment for the Lowest common denominator. I honstly can tell you mainstream groups like Britiny Spears or Hanson have more complicated chords than your avrage punk band.

Brilliant. Punk sucks ass. It's now to the point that your average New found Charlotte are just pretty much the same fucking chords but in different orders.