Question about God.

Ok apparently someone removed my post AGAIN, even though it 101897239812% had to do with the subject, subject is ''Question about God'' And i asked a question about God, so why the removal? Now i forgot the question also so i can't post it again..sigh. Read before removing please
Ok apparently someone removed my post AGAIN, even though it 101897239812% had to do with the subject, subject is ''Question about God'' And i asked a question about God, so why the removal? Now i forgot the question also so i can't post it again..sigh. Read before removing please

dude, read the origional post and try to concentrate, focus on the question... then maybe you will realize its not a topic about "bring your own question about God to the table"...
I've come to a new realization, this topic is pointless since it merely turns into wordplay with a priori examples and has nothing to do with real material existence. So what if it is a logical contradiction of 'omnipotence' to not control everything? We are talking about a being for which we have no compelling evidence of its existence in the first place. Which makes this entire discussion moot tbqh.
I've come to a new realization, this topic is pointless since it merely turns into wordplay with a priori examples and has nothing to do with real material existence. So what if it is a logical contradiction of 'omnipotence' to not control everything? We are talking about a being for which we have no compelling evidence of its existence in the first place. Which makes this entire discussion moot tbqh.

The thing is, that most people who are thinking about this question on this board, don't believe in a God or any supernatural being. So it is useless to think about something that you don't even believe in and I realized this even before I come and start this thread. But the point is, just suppose that there IS an almighty God then think about it.
The thing is, that most people who are thinking about this question on this board, don't believe in a God or any supernatural being. So it is useless to think about something that you don't even believe in and I realized this even before I come and start this thread. But the point is, just suppose that there IS an almighty God then think about it.

well, if there is actually a God, he really doesn't seem to be involved at all in the goings on of the modern world,
so if you could prove to me that the Judeo-Christian "God" (as opposed to the "pagan" deities) actually exists, then i would have to consider myself a "Deist" as opposed to someone that's actually going to "worship" this deity called "God"
I believe in the nurturing Mother and think we should be grateful for our brief opportunity to exist here.... bitter sweet tease that it is. She will reclaim us in the end.
dude, read the origional post and try to concentrate, focus on the question... then maybe you will realize its not a topic about "bring your own question about God to the table"...

Topic says: Question About God
To me it sounds like you ask questions about God.
And what did i do? I asked a question about God.
It DID have with the subject of the thread topic to do.
You would have to be fucking stupid to think it makes sense. The subject heading is 'question about god'. If this was a car forum, and I posted a topic 'question about my car', the idea would be that you would *READ THE QUESTION AND THEN ANSWER IT* - not that I want you to come up with your own question about your own car. Or at least, follow the thread and respond to something in it. Honestly, the mechanics of a normal discussion really shouldn't be hard to grasp, don't let the fact that it says 'god' in the title get you foaming at the mouth and ignorant.
You would have to be fucking stupid to think it makes sense. The subject heading is 'question about god'. If this was a car forum, and I posted a topic 'question about my car', the idea would be that you would *READ THE QUESTION AND THEN ANSWER IT* - not that I want you to come up with your own question about your own car. Or at least, follow the thread and respond to something in it. Honestly, the mechanics of a normal discussion really shouldn't be hard to grasp, don't let the fact that it says 'god' in the title get you foaming at the mouth and ignorant.

a person should read the entirety of the first post instead of just the title of the thread
people are lazy
people should just go ahead and make the first post of a new thread as short as possible so that everyone will actually read it
You would have to be fucking stupid to think it makes sense. The subject heading is 'question about god'. If this was a car forum, and I posted a topic 'question about my car', the idea would be that you would *READ THE QUESTION AND THEN ANSWER IT* - not that I want you to come up with your own question about your own car. Or at least, follow the thread and respond to something in it. Honestly, the mechanics of a normal discussion really shouldn't be hard to grasp, don't let the fact that it says 'god' in the title get you foaming at the mouth and ignorant.
Well DUH? I know this question was about his question about God..But it had already been answered, so i asked a new question about God..Which i thought had to DO with the SUBJECT of the FUCKING thread, so yeah i actually think it makes SENSE to have asked that question. And the topic wasn't named ''My Question About God'' it was simply ''Question About God''. I don't see in any way what's wrong with posting another question about God in this thread..FFS seriously stop being so ignorant yourself. My post HAD TO DO WITH THE SUBJECT..Maybe you're the one who should read. And i sure hope you don't remove this post
Posts that respond to something else in the thread won't get deleted. I think I've made it as clear as it's getting :)
Posts that respond to something else in the thread won't get deleted. I think I've made it as clear as it's getting :)
Oh so you still think it was the right thing to delete my question? This thread is basically dead..Why create a new one named ''my question about god'' when i could just simply post it here..It's not like it's a thread about Metallica and i ask a question about Fruits is it? Be logical come on..You gotta be able to pull the strings atleast 0.1%
If it was desirable to just use a single thread that included every discussion I could just start one with the subject 'Question' according to your logic - however that is not desirable.
If it was desirable to just use a single thread that included every discussion I could just start one with the subject 'Question' according to your logic - however that is not desirable.
Sigh. What i mean is, okay yeah i know this question was about HIS question about God..But it was answered and thread was starting to go dead, so i asked another question about God..Since it's a question about god i thought it had to do with the subject..But apparently according to you it didn't..I just think it was a lame & not good reason to remove my post, but hey, your the moderator...Anyways going to bed now.. it's 2.30 AM here in Sweden gn