Question about God.

The ecumenical movement actively engages folks of other religions with the precise aim of telling them they're wrong, so it would make some sense if you did too.

You're still in your box.Christianity and christian organizacions don't have as a main goal to evangelize them.This is not 14th century.If you found an organizacion that does this denounce it.
The aim of ecumenic organizations is to help no to tell peopple "Hey i believe your god is bullshit".
If all the organizations were like that then it would make sense,but knowing just one organization that is different(and i know plenty of them) it proves you are wrong.It's all about logic.

And btw i'm christian,that doesn't mean i'm catholic or protestant or luterane or member of the church of liberation theology (the name was something like that).Each branch has raddical differences.There are some branches of christianity that try to evangelize peopple but not mine for sure.So,before you put as all in the same(¿box?)you should do some research.The guy who started this thread is not christian and i haven't told him "you are absolutely wrong on your conception of god" i respect his ideas.
You're kidding regarding the ecumenical movement, right?

My mistake,i tought you meant christianity not a movement started by the catholic church.The church (wich is a politicall institution and has nothing to do with religion) does whatever his memebers thinks it's most convenient....without asking christian peopple for their approval.It's allways worked like that.
Religious peopple don't go arround insulting each other.Jesus left a single commandment to us "love each other".That is the base for any religion.If you love other peopple you won't mess with their lives and tell them your ideas are better than theirs.

i believe that ALL of the entities that we would refer to as "gods" actually exist
the text of ten comandments seems to indicate that the "pagan" deities actually existed, but that that we were not allowed to worship them, in addition to not being allowed to worship "idols"

It seems to,but there are many interpretations of the bible since it was translated from Aramaic language.Remember it had to undergo a lot of translations before it reached our hands.
With 'idols' the text could also indicate not that they do exist but precisely that the don't exist and that it would be foolish to confide your life and your faith to something that has no entity,to a fake god.
This things should not be taken lightly i'd like to extend on the subject but i just arrived home after an exam and i don't feel like thinking today.

This is a fairly common question that is often parodied with questions such as "could God create a burrito so hot that even He couldn't eat it?" The fact that the question is paradoxical and that no logical conclusion can be reached is the whole point of the argument, as it characterizes the absurdity of theistic reasoning.


Some people call this type of claim unfalsifiability. Meaning; it's not an argument. You can't disprove what hasn't been proven.
In christianity god is said to have given man free will. However thats where i see christians divide. some say forgiveness is abundant in the eyes of the lord and he wll forgive all, and some say that there are things that are just not forgivable. I'm an atheist and ive had people tell me that i will got to heaven since god forgives all. The point is the idea of a world god cannot control lies in the free will and punishment complexes of organized religions.
let me clarify my position here

Jesus of Nazereth was NOT the son of YHWH, i believe that some (if not all) of the red text in a red-letter-bible were actually spoken by a single individual, but to say that this individual is "the son of God" is completely ridiculous

i've read a lot of diferent translations of the ten comandments and they all have "thou shalt have no other gods before me for i am a jealous God" and "thou shalt not make idols or worship idols" as 2 completely seperate instructions, seems to me that YHWH is admiting to the existence of other deities, and is instructing people to not worship them, in addition to "don't worship idols" as a completely seperate instruction
let me clarify my position here

Jesus of Nazereth was NOT the son of YHWH, i believe that some (if not all) of the red text in a red-letter-bible were actually spoken by a single individual, but to say that this individual is "the son of God" is completely ridiculous

i've read a lot of diferent translations of the ten comandments and they all have "thou shalt have no other gods before me for i am a jealous God" and "thou shalt not make idols or worship idols" as 2 completely seperate instructions, seems to me that YHWH is admiting to the existence of other deities, and is instructing people to not worship them, in addition to "don't worship idols" as a completely seperate instruction

You can believe something is real without it being real. Placebos aren't real and won't do a damn thing for you, but you will think they are the real deal, they might even make you "feel" better.

Idols and other "gods" would fall under the category of "placebo" in this situation.

I don't see how Jesus being a physical representation/tative of YHWH is unfathomable. He was predicted in plenty of OT passages.
Why people can't understand religon,it's exactly like buying a product and you get a manual with it where the maker tells you how to use it, and you can use it in another way if you want.That's exactly what religion is, it says that God created the world, and he gave his books/rules to follow and
if (creatures_followed = True)
Reward(Creatures) ;

Else Punish(Creatures);

Is that correct or is that correct? :p
I agree to a point, but for totally different reasons. Judiasm/Christianity has abandoned the basis of the worship/following of YHWH/Jesus, and substituted the Talmud/twisted interpretation of the "New Testament" for a belief system.

even the non-judeo-christian religions do that