Question To Death Metal Fans

I'm a huge fan of the Death Metal/Grind scene but I am more concerened with the music it has to offer than to focus in on the vocals alone. I have no problem what so ever with the death style or "cookie monster" vocals commonly associated with the genre. I'm moved by all forms of music which means I can be easily impressed with the death style singing as much as clean vocals. I really love it when death metal bands combine many styles in their music and in saying that, I'm just as comfortable listening to the more traditional bands who stick to the common formula. If it's heavy, It sounds fucking good to me.
The cookie monster vocals USED to get on my nerves, but I'm into the brutal/technical aspect of the music the most.

Listen to Necrophagist, Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Immolation, Disgorge, or any number of other bands, and you'll get the idea.
I think you've been fed some misinformation. Most Death-Metal fans are really into the music itself. The vocal style is just a natural by-product of the compositions. And it fits very well into the overall sound.

Really now, you wouldn't expect to hear Geoff Tate after the opening riff to "Angel of Death," now would you?

Didn't think so.
yes, everyone has said it best when stating that it isn't so much the vocals that attract us to the death metal genre..the music is largely the entire reason..however, I must say I adore a good death vocalist over some cheesy Iced Earth homoerotic vocalist any day..
Yes, is more the music but I love good death vocals. My favorites are Nile (duh) and Origin for their interesting use of multiple vocals. Also Dying Fetus (both from DTO, but especially the low ones) and Krisiun have really good vocalists.

Some I don't like or didn't were Mike Disalvo from Cryptopsy. As much as I love their music and especially their drummer, he just didn't fit like Lord Worm. But Whisper Supremecy is still one of my all time favs.;) And Kataklysm are pretty good band, but the low vocals he does aren't up to parr IMO, for the type of music. The screechy stuff is alright though.
The whole point of the growls and screams by Death Metal is to show raw aggression to an extreme and it really works at times. Not ALL death metal bands do that cookie monster vocals like Cannibal Corpse eh. There are some death metal bands that have clean vocals that most can understand like Opeth and Entombed so if you're interested check them out.
I don't care for the vocals, but I love the music. There are some bands that have good growls (Opeth for an example), but i'll take Decapitated as an example. The music is really good, but the vocalist is very monotone, it gets on my nerves sometimes.
Some bands like Opeth mix up the melodic and death growling,and it fits really good.

Others like Corpse just use death vocals, because it suits their brutal music. If you want to hear a good Metallica song,that Corpse did on their newest CD, check otu "No Remorse".. The growling fits the song better than what James did for it on "Kill 'em all"....
The vocals are extreme, matching the music... and extreme metal covers of classics are always fucking interesting... for example, Cannibal Corpse's "No Remorse", Dark Funeral's "Dead Skin Mask", Cradle of Filth's "Hallowed Be Thy Name" and "Hell Awaits", Children of Bodom's "Aces High", etc... I prefer all those covers over the originals, as good as the originals are...