Random Question

MasKedRage said:
most metalheads are stoners right? i mean you dudes are right?

Some are some are not. I am not. I find that metalheads usually (though certainly not always) fit into one of two categories:
1. Mullethead rednecks
2. Nerds

I would be the later.

By the way this post was meant to be taken humorously so don't get upset.
pussies. all of you. weak ass sellout conformist fucking homosexual momma's boys.

drugs are like God's vitamins. they keep the brain young and inspired.

lemme just put it this way... you see the world the same way Jerry Falwell and Hillary Duff and your Grandmother see it. i stare out through Jim fucking Morrison's chinaman'd eye-windows.

you dorks.


drugs should be manditory.