Rap Metal that doesn't suck.

7th Octave is ok. Try checking them out.


More Funk Rap, but whatever.
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The Italian rap group Truceklan has a track on their album ministero dell'inferno with grindcore band Cripple Bastards. More rap than anything, but still really heavy. Unfortunately it's the only song on the album like this, but it's still a cool album if you're looking for rap with a more demonic/hellish feel to it.

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It's not really a rap metal band but it is a rap metal song. If any of what I just said was completely wrong I apologise but I really know very little about this band. I just heard this song on Chronix once.

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I completely agree with JG Metal Head. Rage is where it stops. They were an exception.

"RAP METAL" is a complete oxymoron.

METAL = :notworthy

RAP = :Puke:​
Tom brady, you ever listen to Papa Roach's Infest? very popular album, all of it rap metal. Too bad they didn't continue down that path.